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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 66
John 3
James 1:19-27
Isaiah 14:1-22

17 “God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it!18 So now there is no longer any condemnation for those who believe in him, but the unbeliever already lives under condemnation because they do not believe in the name of the only Son of God.19 And here is the basis for their judgment: The Light of God has now come into the world, but the people loved darkness more than the Light, because they want the darkness to conceal their evil. 20 So the wicked hate the Light and try to hide from it, for the Light fully exposes their lives.21 But those who love the truth will come into the Light, for the Light will reveal that it was God who produced their fruitful works.”

John 3:17-21

The Lord’s Rescue Mission

The Lord says,
I haven’t given up on My people. I haven’t left them stranded, dying and alone. I have not given up on My people. Even now I Am calling them, drawing them to Myself, raising them from death to life. It is not over. I have not given up on My people. I have not withdrawn My love for them. Can you see My light shining into the darkness? Can you feel the warmth of My Presence? I Am here. I Am present, and I Am moving.

My people will sing songs of thanksgiving, of remembrance of My rescue of them — from themselves, from great evils, from oppression and tyranny. They will sing freedom songs. They will abound in great joy. My rescue mission is underway even now. Just as covert operators land in enemy territory quietly under the cover of darkness, so have I entered the scene quietly and with stealth. This is a mission with several end goals. First it is an extraction. This is My calling My people back to Me. This is calling people to leave their harmful lifestyles and their pasts behind and come to Me, return to Me, or even join Me for the first time. The next piece is to take out the lies of the enemy that have been holding the masses captive. And finally, it is a justice mission to hold accountable and to bind up those who have willfully sided with evil against Me and against the people. These will be exposed, bound, and they will meet justice face to face.

I have landed on shore. I Am rescuing individual captives, and I Am even dismantling the lies of the enemy now. You can see them unraveling before your eyes. These lies that have held such power, such a tight grip on the people are weakening and their rot and decay is beginning to show.

A Great Reviving Healing Oil

The Lord says,
I Am pouring out a great reviving healing oil over the earth. It will touch many, it will restore many. It will be like spiritual smelling salts to many. They will feel this touch, this surprising dripping of My reviving healing oil, and they will be awakened to the truth, to reality, to their condition. They will jolt upright as if from a an unconscious state, and that will be it. They will see. They will know. They will be unable to return to their former state. This is the beginning of a Great Spiritual Awakening.

Since we are in a spiritual war, the lies, the division, the anger, the blame, the battle for control…this will all be seen for what it actually is. This unrest will be properly identified as tactics and operations within the spiritual battle.

This spiritual awakening I Am causing to pour out will cause many to awaken in a snap. The awakening will definitely be an awakening to their own spiritual condition, but it will also be an awakening to the realities of the world around them. It will be very disorienting for these newly awakened ones, but their minds and hearts will be quickened for action. They will run first to the feet of Jesus to be redeemed, restored, to find a deep abiding relationship and spiritual healing. And then they will suit up and run out to face the giants.

I Am breathing life into many even now. I Am calling many to Myself, and I Am pouring out My Great Awakening oil. It will be messy. It will seem chaotic. Many things will be happening so quickly, it will be impossible to keep up. So keep your eyes on Me. Keep your ear to My chest. And stay focused on the dreams and the tasks I have put in your heart. Love the ones I put in your path. Serve them as brothers and sisters. Choose joy — even in this time of great uncertainty and shaking. Choose joy because the outcome is certain and I Am certain. Hold on to Me, the Unshakeable Unchanging One.

How to Respond

  • Ask the Lord to reveal to you your spiritual condition.
  • Ask Him to give you any steps you need to take to have full restoration and be found completely pure before Him.
  • Declare that the Lord’s reviving healing oil is being poured out onto you, your family, friends and community.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving to rescue many even now.
  • Declare that the Great Awakening has begun and the lies of the enemy are being dismantled.
  • Pray for the protection of those who are warring on the side of the Lord in this immense spiritual war.


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