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Today’s Reading:
1 Timothy 1
2 Timothy 1
2 Timothy 2

I’m filled with joy as I think of your strong faith that was passed down through your family line. It began with your grandmother Lois, who passed it on to your dear mother, Eunice. And it’s clear that you too are following in the footsteps of their godly example. I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you. For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. So never be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor be embarrassed over my imprisonment, but overcome every evil by the revelation of the power of God!

2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭4b‬-‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God of Peace says,
Trace My goodness in your life. Doesn’t it lead unerringly to today? Doesn’t it lead surely to this place? This moment? Your history is a story of My faithfulness. Your heritage proves that I Am true. Walk with Me. Believe in Me. Assume your birthright. Take hold of that which I have given you. Your faith is a weapon. It is both offensive and defensive. This shield of faith can protect you from the onslaught of the enemy, and it can be a personal wall for you to advance with and push back the gates of hell wherever you find them.

Run as fast as you can from all the ambitions and lusts of youth; and chase after all that is pure. Whatever builds up your faith and deepens your love must become your holy pursuit. And live in peace with all those who worship our Lord Jesus with pure hearts.

2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭22‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Remain vigilant and alert. Put on the full armor of God, and use this faith gift. The size of this shield of faith is tremendous. It requires strong faith muscles to carry it the distance. (When the Lord spoke that, I understood that the size of the shield was massive and established, but it was our ability to carry it that was the variable.) In training, you have had to pick it up and then place it down and hide behind it. Evaluate where you are in your training. For those who have done the work, who have built those strong muscles to carry and wield and advance and even push back enemy forces with this tremendous gift, this shield of faith, you will take the high ground. You will take the hill country. You will advance to the mountains and even the high places to tear down altars to Baal and temples to false gods.

This is a war won by those on offense. This is a war for those who will advance. You can remain behind the shield that I have provided. You can hunker down behind it right where you are, and you will remain protected. But I Am calling you to advance. This war is not just about self-preservation. It’s about the future. It’s about your children and your children’s children. It’s about generations not yet born. So if you have not been training those muscles to carry the weight of this tremendous gift of the shield of faith, begin your training today. Refuse to only hide behind it. Advance with it. Use your decrees. Use declarations of My Word. War with the prophetic words I have given. And advance. Inch by inch if you have to, advance.

So Timothy, my son, I am entrusting you with this responsibility, in keeping with the very first prophecies that were spoken over your life, and are now in the process of fulfillment in this great work of ministry, in keeping with the prophecies spoken over you. With this encouragement use your prophecies as weapons as you wage spiritual warfare by faith and with a clean conscience. For there are many who reject these virtues and are now destitute of the true faith.

1 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

To those who advance, to those to go on the offense — to them I will give the high ground. They will be the ones to enjoy the hill country and glory in the breaking down of Baal’s altars and every false asherim that has been erected. These are days for victors. These are days for those who refuse to cower but instead advance in bold faith, even strengthening their weak knees as they lift their hands in praise. They will see many victories. They will see and experience and glory in my glory. They will advance to and take the high ground.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for Your goodness in my life. Thank You that mine is a heritage marked by Your faithfulness. Help me to know how to advance. Help me to build the strength needed to push back the gates of hell, to move to the hill country, to take the hill country and take the high places for Your Name’s sake. I want to be found among those who went on the offensive and were victorious because of my faith in You and Your faithfulness to me.
  • Declare, the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Who can ascend the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart and has not lifted up his soul to falsehood or sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him — who seek Your face — even Jacob.
  • Decree, I will not be found cowering behind this precious gift from the Lord, the tremendous shield of faith. I will strengthen and train my faith muscles with declarations, decrees, worship and testimonies of the goodness of the Lord. I will advance. I will be found on the offensive, pushing back the gates of hell, taking the hill country and even the high places. I will be one who is found destroying the altars of Baal in the high places and crushing the asherim of false gods. I will not be complacent. I will advance and enjoy the victory and the glory of the Lord for myself, my family and future generations.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Place of Confidence, Peace & Unceasing Praise Is Where Victory Lives
2022: Truth Will Disrupt Daily Life
2021: The Lord Is Releasing a Powerful Wave of Justice


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