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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 98-99
Psalm 106
Isaiah 44

John 8:31-59

32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

The Lord says,
Freedom is available. Truth is available. These are available to find now, to know now, to receive now. But soon there will be a great collision that causes truth to be seen by all, one that cracks open freedom to be grasped by all. America and the world are on a collision course with truth. They are moving at top speed and will soon collide with truth at full force. The collision will not cause truth to be moved. America and the world will feel the full impact.

10 You freed them from the strong power
of those who oppressed them
and rescued them from bondage.

Psalm 106:10

The truth will remain standing like a great brick wall of fortification. And the vehicles (governments and institutions) carrying America and the world will be rendered inoperable. As the people offload, stunned, dazed and shocked, they will gaze upon truth. Some parts of truth will cause great horror, some amazement, some anger, some glee.

The people will clear away the debris of the broken down vehicles that held them captive and caused them to run headlong into truth. And the base of truth will be a great rallying point for America and the nations. This rallying point will be the place where many new plans are drawn up and established. It will be a place where great reforms are designed.

4 A lover of justice is our mighty King; he is right in all his ways.
He insists on being fair to all,
promoting true justice and righteousness in Jacob.
5 So everyone, exalt the Lord our God
facedown before his glory-throne, for he is great and holy.

Psalm 99:4-5

Justice will be birthed in the hearts of all the people, and justice will be a new plumb line drawn. Justice is a must. Public apologies will come from some.

There will be a new fierceness birthed in the people. There will be a unity and an agreement on the boundary lines that protect governance, morality, the children and the future. “Don’t tread on me,” will be a revived motto that the people coalesce around and point to with fervor.

24 Here is what Yahweh,
your Kinsman-Redeemer, who formed you in his womb, has to say:
“I am Yahweh, Creator of all.
I alone stretched out the canvas of the cosmos.
I who shaped the earth needed no one’s help.
25 Now I make fools of fortune-tellers
and frustrate astrologers’ predictions.
I confuse the wise, who think they know it all,
and make their ‘knowledge’ into foolishness.
26 I confirm the word of my servants
and fulfill the prophecies of my messengers.
I say to Jerusalem, ‘Many people will live in you again,’
and to the cities of Judah, ‘I will raise up your ruins; you will be rebuilt!’

Isaiah 44:24-26

Once the debris from the collision and all that had been built to contain and carry America is cleared away, there will be a great return to the foundation of the nation. It will be a heartfelt and powerful return to the foundations on which the nation was built. People will realize and have great reverence for this foundation. They will mark it as holy ground, for they will remember that I, the Lord their God was here and at the center of this foundation being laid. They will dust it off and treat it with great respect and honor. This foundation will be spoken about in every home, and it will be taught to the children from a very young age.

44–45 Yet even so, you waited and waited,
watching to see if they would turn
and cry out to you for a father’s help.
And then, when you heard their cry,
you relented and you remembered your covenant,
and you turned your heart toward them again,
according to your abundant, overflowing, and limitless love.

Psalm 106:44-45

There will be a great return to the foundation, and all will see how the brick wall of truth was a great boundary line set up to protect the people. It was laid by Me in covenant with those who invited Me to partner with them in laying the foundation of this nation. The wall of truth is indelibly connected to the foundation. The foundation was laid brick by brick in faith, despite pain and hardship and threat of death. The foundation was laid and the wall was built because of the hope these men and women had in Me and their belief that I would remain faithful to their children and the land that they dedicated to Me for a thousand generations. My boundary line of truth was established because of this covenant with them, and it will hold fast.

2 Everyone knows how God has saved us,
for he has displayed his justice throughout history.
3 He never forgets to show us his love and faithfulness.
How kind he has been to Israel!
All the nations know how he stands behind his people
and how he saves his own.
4 So go ahead, everyone, and shout out your praises with joy!
Break out of the box and let loose
with the most joyous sound of praise!

Psalm 98:2-4

This is a great collision, a time of great revealing, reforming and a return to the foundations upon which this nation was built. The whole world is watching, and the whole world will feel and experience the impact of this collision with truth. The people of the nations will benefit greatly, as freedom cracks wide open and is poured out like a beautiful oil for the many. The collision will be painful, but it will bring you into glorious days that could not have been possible without a head on collision with truth.

How to Respond

  • Keep your heart and your hands pure.
  • Ask the Lord how you can prepare yourself and your family for what is about to take place in America.
  • Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for His covenant relationship with America.
  • Thank the Lord for establishing a strong, immovable boundary of truth in America.
  • Declare that days of truth and freedom breaking wide open are just ahead.


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