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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 101
Psalm 134
1 Peter 1
Isaiah 62:1-4

Acts 1:6-8

Now, because of your obedience to the truth, you have purified your very souls, and this empowers you to be full of love for your fellow believers. So express this sincere love toward one another passionately and with a pure heart.

1 Peter 2:22

Purity & Power

The Lord says,
I Am moving to restore purity and power. Power, the resurrection power of Jesus, the Dunamis Power of My Spirit, is still on the Earth. It resides in believers even today, but it is not accessed. Faith and purity are the keys to accessing and releasing My explosive dynamite power on the earth. Healing power. Deliverance power. Life changing power. Restorative power. It is available. The movement of My Spirit has already started in the Earth. A mark of this movement will be a return to the early Church’s access to My Spirit’s explosive power.

This Great Awakening, this Great Revival will be marked by many signs and wonders. And You will marvel as it happens, as the power flows from your own hands. This is a call to purity. This is a call to purity of heart, of mind. It’s a call to purify what you let yourself hear and think and watch. It’s a call to dig into the Word and be immersed in the truth, because nothing will anchor your faith and strengthen your faith like the Pure Gospel, like the truth.

This is a season to restore yourself to the “factory settings” of purity. Clear out the garbage and the useless things that you have allowed to fill your mind, your sight, your heart and your life. And dwell on Me instead. Dwell on the marvelous mystery of the redemption of Jesus. Dwell on His lifestyle of healing, of miracles, of extreme kindness and His intolerance of heavy burdens being placed on the people by religious leaders. He is the One you want to follow. He’s got the heart that speaks to yours. Don’t let religion and the lies of religion and the rules of religion keep you from the Word or the Person of Jesus. He is the Key to life eternal and life abundant.

Have patience with yourself as you embark on this purifying process. Be kind to yourself. It’s a process and a lifestyle. It will happen progressively as you allow Me to highlight things that are marked for removal from your time, your tv, your books, your screens, your circle of friends and associates.

The Undeniable Move of the Spirit

The Lord says,
I Am continuing to move. This move of My Spirit has started on the West Coast of the U.S. It is hovering there, concentrating there, and staying there even as it slowly spreads East. You will see radical changes coming, radical marks of My Glory coming from the Pacific Northwest, through the northwestern states, and down through California. I Am calling people to Myself. I Am changing lives and minds and hearts. I Am healing bodies and and bringing freedom to those who have been held captive by mental illness, and I Am bringing deliverance to those who have suffered spiritual bondage and attacks. Watch the northwest of the country. You will see remarkable evidence of My move coming from there.

These healings are going to gain in number, and they will be gaining in visibility. They will be impossible to ignore. The mocking media will come to see and to mock. And they will be changed. They will be hit by My Spirit as they try to cover this Move, as they come into the revival tents and the meeting houses and the churches to cover the story with the intent to call My preachers of the the Pure Gospel charlatans. They will be knocked backwards by the power of My Spirit. They will be changed. And these will be and these will bring the pure stories of truth, of healing, of deliverance that hit the airwaves. They will be hit by My power and they will report lies no longer. And the movement will grow in number, in power, in strength and visibility.

How to Respond

  • Bless the Lord, with all that is within you. Bring an offering of humble praise to the Lord today.
  • Read the Word. Sit in the gospels and dwell on the goodness, the kindness and the perfect life of Jesus.
  • Ask Him what you need to do to purify your heart and mind – to start a lifestyle of increasing purity.
  • Give thanks to Jesus for His perfect example and perfect sacrifice.
  • Declare the goodness of the Lord.
  • Pray for the preachers of the Pure Gospel – that they grow in wisdom and in boldness, that they be protected from any illness, interference and scheme of the enemy.


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