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An Undeniable Kingdom Movement of Purity and Power

The Lord says, 
I Am moving to restore purity and power. Power, the resurrection power of Jesus, the Dunamis Power of My Spirit, is still on the Earth. It resides in believers even today, but it is not accessed. Faith and purity are the keys to accessing and releasing My explosive dynamite power on the earth. Healing power. Deliverance power. Life changing power. Restorative power. It is available.

A Healing and a Reckoning

The Lord says, 
I Am healing hate. I Am moving to heal hate from this land, in this land. Hate is rising up like smoke signals from the land. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is burning. The land is filled with many smoke signals. These are signals born of brokenness, born of mistreatment, born of misunderstanding and of believing lies --about one’s self or about others. I can see the brokenness and the hurt that has gone unchecked and has turned into hatred. Many people are hurting.

Jesus is Resurgent

Jesus. He is resurgent. His Name has been suppressed. His Name has brought division. His Name has offended many. His Name causes stress in the hearts of many. But there is about to be a great revelation of the person of Jesus. Of the power, the innate power in the Name of Jesus.

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