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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 2:12
Isaiah 32
Matthew 20 (esp v.16)
Psalm 46-48

Behold, a king will reign righteously. And princes will rule justly, each will be like a refuge from the wind and a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry country, like the shade of a huge rock in a parched land. Then the eyes of those who see will not be blinded, and the ears of those who hear will listen. The mind of the hasty will discern the truth, and the tongue of the stammerers will hasten to speak clearly.

Isaiah 32: 1-4

Healing Hate

The Lord says,
I Am healing hate. I Am moving to heal hate from this land, in this land. Hate is rising up like smoke signals from the land. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is burning. The land is filled with many smoke signals. These are signals born of brokenness, born of mistreatment, born of misunderstanding and of believing lies –about one’s self or about others. I can see the brokenness and the hurt that has gone unchecked and has turned into hatred. Many people are hurting.

I desire compassion. Many people don’t have compassion or love for themselves. How can they expect to love others or to receive love? They are starting from a broken starting block.

I Am moving with a great moves of peace, of healing oil, of compassion. This will all come under the weight, under the move, under the tangible reality of My Presence. The moving in, the arrival of My Presence will cut through the chatter and the clutter and the chaos and the searing pain. It will expose lies, it will right wrongs. It will even bring single sided healings. Many will be moved and stirred and dramatically changed and healed under the cloud of My Glory. Many will have minds changed and will be able to see and hear clearly – will be able to distinguish and discern truth from lies once they have encountered My Glory. My Glory is coming, is appearing, is moving in pockets across the land. In communities and cities. This experience is bigger than the four walls of a church or many churches. This move is outside of churches. It may include churches, but I Am doing it and it is not exclusive to churches – and it many not originate in churches. It is coming for all people. Every walk of life, every circumstance, every creed, every culture.


The Lord says,
You are chosen. My Word says that all are welcome, but few are chosen. (Matthew 20:16) What does it mean? Chosen as a bride. Chosen in the reciprocal form of choosing. To be chosen and to be married, both have to choose. I have invited you. In My eyes, you are chosen. You have to choose, you have to reciprocate to officially be chosen.

Choose to release your cares and your burdens to Me. Choose to walk in delight and destiny – in partnership – lockstep with Me. Choose to dream with Me, work with Me, share your heart and your deep deep desires and longings with Me. You are chosen, My beloved. Choose Me.


The Lord says,
I Am stirring up hearts, I Am stirring up curiosity, I Am stirring up dissatisfaction with the status quo, I Am stirring up irritation with one’s own complacency. I’m stirring up questions. I’m stirring up disbelief at media and political lies. I Am stirring up indignation at political choices that don’t represent people, that hurt people and run counter to the will of the people. I’m stirring up a holy irritability at the systems and the institutions and the supposed leaders, the supposed journalists, the supposed unbiased voices. And My people will turn on them. It will look like a flip has switched. And there will be a great turning over of the tables, a great outcry and holy indignation at the corruption, the lies, the insolvency, the self-service, the division, the crumbling infrastructure and the lack of accountability for the people’s tax dollars. There is coming a great overturning of tables, a great dissatisfaction. A day of reckoning. The people will rise up and cry, “no more!”

And I Am doing it, I am stirring it up.
I Am causing hearts and minds to question what they see going on around them. To question so-called facts. To question so-called reports. To question so-called data. These quantified lies will be exposed and there will be a mighty and great roar of the people that will terrorize the liars, the perpetrators, the complicit and the enablers.

A Holy Day of Reckoning is coming. And the people will rise up in anger – in righteous anger and judgement.

The pendulum has started/is about to start swinging the other direction. It is swinging back to what’s right. And the people will cry for it. The people will demand it. The people will force it. And there will be accountability.

This is a very serious matter. It is very grave for the souls of those who have been traitors to the people, God and country. Mark My words. It will not end well for them. And My heart is very grieved. But I will tolerate this evil no more, says the Lord Most High.

How to Respond

  • Pray for a change of heart in those who have done or are doing, or enabling evil. Pray for their families and friends. Pray that the collateral damage of their exposure and the exposure of their involvement in evil will have minimal collateral damage.
  • Repent on behalf of the nation. Repent on behalf of the people who have knowingly or unknowingly allowed evil to reign, to become pervasive in every sphere of society.
  • Purify your hands and heart in Holy consecration to the Lord God Most High.
  • Declare the covering of the Blood Jesus over you and your household. He will protect His righteous ones, His faithful ones, His innocent little ones. Be counted among them.


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