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It’s A New Day

The Lord says, 
This is the day that the Lord has made, choose to rejoice and be glad in it! From the overflow of joy in your heart, you shall bring forth praise and thanksgiving and honor to My Name. You will be so amazed, so filled with wonder and ecstatic joy, that praise, celebration and thanksgiving to the Lord Your God who rescued and redeemed you will be the only response.

The First Fruits of the Harvests Are Here

The Lord says, 
You are beginning to taste the first fruits of your labor. You are beginning to enter the early harvest for what you have sown and toiled for. You didn’t necessarily even know what kind of trees and plants you were planting and tending. But you are beginning to see and taste the fruits of it, and they are sweet, perfect and a great delight.

A Call to Live in Contagious Joy

The Lord says, 
Live a lifestyle of joy. Live a lifestyle above the storm and the waves of adversity. Live a lifestyle where circumstances don’t dictate your attitude, your personality or your character. That’s what I’m looking for. That’s what I’m calling for. That’s what I’m setting before you. Choose joy. Choose Me. Choose the more real reality of Me, of being seated in Heavenly Places, of your identity in Christ. Choose joy.

The Fires of the Crucible & The Spirit

The Lord says, 
I can see that your heart is hurting, tender and aching. I can see that your face is wet with tears. I can see that you can’t make out the road ahead and that it all feels so daunting, so bleak, so dark. I Am hurting with you. I am sharing in your pain, your loss, your frustration at the darkness. I Am sharing this burden and these feelings with you. You are not alone.

Joy Is the Headline

The Lord says, 
My peace is available. My peace is here. Don’t fear the unknown, the future decisions, the the next steps. I Am here. I Am present and accounted for. Ensure that I Am front and center in your sight, in your heart and in your mind; and then take one step and then the next.

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