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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 48-49
Isaiah 42:1-17
John 15:1-17
1 Corinthians 2

5 “I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.

John 15:5

Lean in to the Pleasure of the Lord

The Lord says,
My pleasure is on My people, and I Am opening doors and enabling them to make quick decisions in the midst of great uncertainty. They can feel My pleasure, and that is the marker that I Am with them, that I Am in the decision, that they don’t need to hesitate in a time where moving and deciding and rapid change is necessary. It’s an unfamiliar place and an unfamiliar way of operating. But great grace to move, to choose, to act is here. We are moving from a season with very little action and very few decisions, to a season of a flurry of actions and many many decisions. Don’t fear making the wrong choice. Don’t fear doing the wrong thing. If you feel the weight of My pleasure on you, you can move. You can act. You can decide.

This is a season where decisive action is required. This is not a season for wavering in indecision, and it’s not a season of living in limbo any longer. It’s a season of choose, act; choose, act; choose, act. This is the cadence. You can see that I Am picking up the pace. We are making up the time you felt was lost over the last two years. It was not lost. I had great purpose in it. I used it, but now we are shifting into high gear, and it’s time to move, act, go.

My pleasure is imparting great grace to ward off anxiety, stress and panic that could come with the speed of change, the speed of decisions, the speed of this season. Don’t agree with those negative spirits. Remain in My pleasure. Remain anchored in Me, and you will be able to move with great speed, covered by My grace in this season of rapid and blindingly fast change.

15 Those who live in the Spirit are able to carefully evaluate all things, and they are subject to the scrutiny of no one but God.

1 Corinthians 2:15

You will begin to feel it — one thing and then the next. Decisions will come fast and furious and you will wonder, “Why so much change? Why all at once?” It’s like the flood gates of all the decisions that have built up in the last two years have burst and those decisions are coming fast and furiously now, demanding answers and action.

Breathe deeply. Drink deeply of My Presence, of My Spirit. Lean into Me. Put all of your trust and hopes in Me, and you will walk in a great anointing of My pleasure and grace — in this time of transition and well into the new season.

Don’t Fear the Rats

The Lord says,
Don’t fear the rats. Don’t fear the bottom dwellers. Don’t fear those who sit in high places but live lives of filth and scavenging, stealing from others and filling their bellies with the fruits of the labor of others. Don’t fear these dirty rats. They are filthy; their deeds are disgusting. Their deeds are an abomination.

Don’t fear the rats. Their ship has holes in the bottom of it, and it is sinking. Though no one can see the cracks and holes beneath the surface, their ship is sinking, and they are going down with it. They have no idea as they are busy going about their wicked business in broad daylight. They cannot see that their ship is taking on water, and they will rapidly sink with it. They have no idea that their ship is sinking. Don’t fear the rats. They will have their day. My day for them is coming.

Trust in Me. Trust in what I have called you to in this season. Be about your Father’s business. Be about the decisions and the actions I have called you to. Lean into My pleasure and seek it out. The sinking of the ship of dirty rats will happen in the midst of all of this, and then great spaces and great freedom will open up to bless you even more. The sinking of the ship of rats will lead to great expanses of new opportunities, newfound freedom and new ways of operating. It will be an expansion — an amazing new expansion into the work and the decisions and the actions I Am calling you to now. So keep your eyes on Me. Keep yourself in the place of My pleasure. And don’t fear the rats. I Am taking care of them even now.

How to Respond

  • Seek the Lord’s presence and His pleasure.
  • As new decisions pop up, and increase in speed and frequency, don’t partner with anxiety, fear or panic. Partner with the Lord. Lean into His pleasure and let that be the guide for all that you do in this transition time and into the new season He is bringing us.
  • Don’t look with panic or fear or concern at what is happening with corrupt ones. The Lord is dealing with them beneath the surface, and they will be removed from their places of influence.
  • Don’t let what is going on in the world and in your community pull you into distress, despair or distraction. Be about your Father’s business. He has so much for you to do in this time of great change, transition and setup for the next season.
  • Spend time in worship, giving thanksgiving and in prayer.
  • Strengthen the guard rails on your mind and heart. You get to decide what thoughts and feelings take residence. Make sure they are of the Lord and for your benefit.
  • Reject anxiety, fear, panic, and depression. Reject indecision and wavering.
  • Choose to dwell in the pleasure of the Lord, and let everything roaring around you drown out in His Presence.


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