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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 65

11 You have crowned the year with Your bounty,
And Your paths drip with fatness.

Psalm 65:11

The Lord says,
These are days of promises fulfilled. These are days of dreams coming true, prayers being answered and prodigals coming home. These are days where the cry of your heart, the place of your deepest longing will become a tree of life. We are walking into sweet days of fulfillment. Go ahead and get your hopes up. Build up yourself. Strengthen yourself in Me, in My Word, in My truth and in My faithfulness. It’s time to believe for your miracles and for fulfillment of the things for which you have long been contending. It’s time to anchor yourself in Me, and trust in Me afresh. Build yourself up with songs, with testimonies and with eyes toward the future — not the past. These are new days with new possibilities and the past has no bearing on what is possible here.

4 How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You
To dwell in Your courts.
We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house,
Your holy temple.

Psalm 65:4

Listen for My voice. Draw nearer to Me. Walk side by side with Me, and be filled with wonder and awe. Be filled with amazement at Me. Shake off the familiarity. Shake off the religion that covers your eyes and puts restraints on your heart and mind. Shake those off. Take those off, and allow yourself to delight in the supernatural majesty of Me. Allow yourself to be captivated by My Glory and enraptured by My beauty.

I Am here for you. I Am here because I love you. Stop dragging around those learned constraints on belief and those fabricated limitations on My goodness. Break free and believe. Break free and and run into My arms. Religion and limitations have no place here. What has a place here is fashioning your life after the character of Jesus — reaching out, being kind, using the power and authority He has given you to heal the sick, cast out demons and and set people free in partnership with Holy Spirit.

8 They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs;
You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.

Psalm 65:8

These are days of wild change, of a return to true spiritual foundational principles. These are days where the restraints on what is possible and the false limitations are lifted, and life begins to look a lot freer and a lot different. Lean into My grace. Be filled with wonder and awe at the majesty of Me. Come, sit, dwell with Me and learn many things that you did not know. Gain wisdom from My Presence, and strengthen your faith and boldness from encounters with My Glory.

5 By awesome deeds You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation,
You who are the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;
6 Who establishes the mountains by His strength,
Being girded with might;
7 Who stills the roaring of the seas,
The roaring of their waves,
And the tumult of the peoples.

Psalm 65:5-7

Let the restraints come off. Cast them off yourself. Be held back no longer by man made limitations on Me, on what is possible, on what I can do. I Am the Lord God Most High, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I will do as I please, when I please, for whom I please. Fill your heart with excitement. Open yourself up to wonder and astonishment. Position your heart with the faith of a child.

How to Respond

  • Survey your heart and mind with the Lord. Ask Him to point out any limiting beliefs or religious rules that are short changing your faith in Him.
  • Make worship a habit and a priority throughout your day.
  • Declare, the Lord is ready to fulfill His promises to me, answer my prayers and make my wildest dreams become reality. He loves to bless His children, and He is faithful and true.
  • Decree, I will cast off every religious restraint and limiting belief that is holding me back from believing that the Lord is absolutely good, that He is for me and that He delights in blessing me. I will walk in freedom, in wonder and in awe of the majesty and magnificence of the Lord God Most High, My King and Savior.
  • You may want to put the song below on repeat until your heart syncs up to the words.


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