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A Great Revival and a Great Revealing

The Lord says, 
As a school bus picks up children in a neighborhood, so am I collecting new believers. I Am bringing them to a school for young believers, and they will be instructed in the basics. And they will grow, and be curious, and learn. They will gain an understanding of their authority, their inheritance, of the power that has been given to them from on high.

Establishing the Pillar of Truth

The Lord says, 
I’m thinking about America as one nation under God, one nation created as a nation set apart, dedicated to Me, established on principles of freedom, liberty, justice and above all the freedom to worship. The founders of this nation set out a clear and distinct vision for how it would self-govern. And over time, that vision was weakened through bad interpretations, through the views of those who don’t know Me and don’t have an interest in the destiny of the country.

The Storm Bringing a New Day

The Lord says,
We are entering a place that transitions you to the safety of home, to an escape from the chaos of the swirling and the noise of the world. This is the time and place where I Am protecting you, shielding you, hiding you from the chaos outside. There is a big storm brewing outside. The gray clouds are moving swiftly and ominously. Lightning is striking, and the thunder is clapping in warning.

Visitations, Treasure Hunts and Exposure

The Lord says, 
These are the things on My heart today - healing, stirring up hearts, bringing joy, and My precious ones. I Am entering homes today. I Am making Myself known today. I was pierced for their transgressions, yet they have not been taught. I suffered for their iniquities, yet they carry them still and commit them still. It’s like the world is living in a parallel universe created by the lies of satan.

Days of Awe

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. Many more will have rescue stories and consider themselves rescued by My Hand, by My grace, by My love, by My provision. Many many many will come, will humble themselves before Me, will bow in awe and wonder. This is the day of many eyes being opened for the first time, or being re-opened after years of blindness to Me. This is the day of many hearts being set free.

On the Right Track

The Lord says, 
I’m getting to work. The end of My patience has been reached. My cups of patience have gone dry. My heart of compassion and love for My people is moving, is expanding, is overwhelming. And My love, My move will overwhelm the wicked. My move will overcome the wicked. My move is like a wave crashing over the world. And it will cause many hearts to be changed and will cause many eyes to look up. It will cause many to exalt My Name. And it will cut off the wicked below the knees.

For Freedom’s Sake

The Lord says, See the horses? Look at them. Do you see and sense the freedom of the horses? Yet they are still fenced in. They live within the boundaries set by others. Yet a desire to run wild at full speed is still in their hearts, still in their DNA, still burns in their legs.

Freedom for the Captives

Asia. I Am doing wonders in Asia. It’s not being reported on in the U.S. yet. The media may hide it for a while. But I Am doing wonders in Asia. Healing wonders, visitations, pouring My Spirit out. Wild wild moves of My Spirit are moving through Asia like wildfire. China specifically is experiencing My Move.

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