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The Lord Is Now Releasing the Best Gifts from His Father’s Heart

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The choicest parts, the very best gifts come deep from within My Father’s heart. I have held them there and reserved them there until the right moment for you. This is the time of the release of the best gifts from My Father’s heart. All that has been desired, dreamt of and waited on is being released from where I have held it safe and secure as a perfect tightly held treasure in My heart. It’s being released to you now.

The Lord Delights to Give To and Through His People

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I love a cheerful giver. I love the heart of one who reflects the giving, encouraging, supporting heart of The Father. Giving comes from My heart. It comes from the heart of God. Every good and perfect gift flows down from the Father of Heavenly Lights. I will provide your every need. And often that gift will pass through the hands of willing vessels, willing servants, willing gift givers.

The Lord Will Astound the Nations with His Faithfulness

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My pleasure is on My children. My pleasure is on their endeavors, on their adventures, on their visions and their dreams. This is a time for those ones who have drawn close to My heart. This is a time where I astound them with My faithfulness. They know it deep in their hearts. They have lived it, seen it. But they have not seen anything yet. My faithfulness will rock the nations.

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