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This Is the Lord’s Zone

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m in the zone. I’m in the winning zone, the power zone. Some have tried to chase Me out, but even in My movement, I Am immovable. You are in the zone of My blessing. You are in the zone of My authority. The earth is Mine and the fullness thereof. I have put the enemy on notice that he is trespassing and has been trespassing on My property, My land, My nations.

The Glory Is Inbound

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. I Am bringing resurrection, and it will be the exclamation point on my move. I will punctuate My extraordinary and widespread move with resurrection and with power. My glory will roll in like a thick low cloud.

A Great Drawing & Transformation for Reformation

The Spirt of the Lord says, 
I’m drawing many to Myself. I Am drawing many who even think to themselves, I don’t understand what this drawing is. My glory is like a great powerful magnet that is drawing many to Me. I Am drawing many who never knew Me. I Am drawing many who know Me well. I Am drawing many who have wandered and many who are running headlong in the opposite direction.

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