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The Lord Is Fueling the Fire of Righteous Rebellion

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am fueling the fire of righteous rebellion. I Am fanning the flames openly. The fires of righteous rebellion will overshadow and overtake the land. Where compliance to evil and wicked agendas once stood, where suffocation by demon doctrines and shrieking of lies once prevailed, a wildfire like a tidal wave of righteous rebellion will overtake it all, will overwhelm it all, will roar above the upstart demonic lies.

Dwell With Me

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Dwell with Me. Make Me the dwelling of your abode. Dwell with Me. Live in intimacy and truth with Me. Live purely, truly, freely as you dwell with Me, in Me. Let everything else fade away. Make Me central, cardinal, chief and ruler.

Be Mighty Warriors of Praise

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Chase the enemy. Rout him from your land. Chase the enemy with your unceasing worship and praise. The enemy cannot succeed where worship is being raised, where voices are being lifted in worship to Me, the Most High God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Lord of All. Chase the enemy with a song.

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