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The Holy Spirit Advantage

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is apparent. Where once you needed to look for it, where once you needed to locate it so you could position yourself in it, now My grace has found you in the place of your calling in a supernatural way. My grace is pooling around you and surrounding you with light, with grace and with easy, unhindered acceleration.

Carriers of Light & Oil

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Joy, pure joy. Fountains of joy overflowing, gushing wildly and intoxicating all who get near them, who get sprinkled with the gushing waters of joy. Joy in turbulence. You can carry My explosive, vibrant joy amidst much turmoil and confusion. You are my carriers of light and oil. I have set you as watchmen on the watch tower.

Be A Pillar of Immovable, Reliable Truth

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Shed corruption and compromise. Wash yourself off with the waters of truth. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don’t fudge on the edges. Don’t manipulate the truth for gain, even if you feel the ends justify the means. Stay pure. The truth can stand for itself. The truth is no shrinking violet. Your lips may have shrunk back from speaking the truth, but that is no fault of the truth.

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