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It’s Celebration Season — Truth and Healing Are Advancing

The Lord says, 
This is a time of celebration. Celebration confuses and angers the enemy. Celebration in the midst of the battle, in the midst of the storm frustrates the plans and the mindset of the enemy. The enemy cannot fathom how their schemes are not working. The enemy cannot fathom how you are living not only in peace, but rejoicing — full of life and light. Sing a celebration song. Live from a position of victory.

The Final Hour of the Fight

The Lord says, 
I Am your Rescuer. I Am your Great Rescue Story. Things look so bleak. The storm is raging all around you. Hold on to Me, and stay in perfect peace. I have made a way for you to live in perfect peace, to be the calm in the midst of the storm, to be the calm that others experience in the midst of the storm. I do not impart just an internal peace, but a radiating peace that effects others. Be peace.

The Warrior’s Blessing

The Lord says, 
My fierce warriors may not look like fierce warriors. To you they look like moms and dads, men and women, boys and girls going about their business. They carry extra hope. They carry love overflowing. They carry great conviction and a deep connection with Me. But they are about their Father’s business. They are tending to the work I have given into their hands. These great warriors — these brave, bold, whole-hearted ones — carry great authority in the Spirit.

Great Grace for Change is Here

The Lord says, 
I see My faithful ones. They are strong. They are bold. They are standing, and they are growing in number. Many are returning to Me as the foundation and the anchor upon which they build their life, their values, their future. I Am the only sure and solid foundation. And My faithful ones are building on Me even now.

Stand. Occupy. Pray.

The Lord says, 
I Am here, through all the good times and all the bad times. I Am here with you. Such joy fills My heart, such pride swells within Me when I see you standing tall, standing firm. Don’t give up. Don’t relent. Don’t give in. Stand your ground. This is what it means to occupy.

Truth and Freedom Will Burst Forth

The Lord says, 
I don’t stop. I haven’t stopped. I’ve never stopped fighting for you. One day, all fighting, enmity and strife will cease. But that is not yet. That is not now. That is not today.

Today we are still at war. Today I Am with you in the fight for truth, justice, righteousness, purity, morality and to ensure that the children remain innocent of evil.

This is War

The Lord says, 
My heart is for My people, and My desire is for deep, personal intimate connection — unbroken, constant connection with My people. My desire is to be loved, to be seen, to be desired by the people. My desire is that the people would wake up and see and understand and hear and perceive what is really going on around them, that they would have a revelation of Who I Am.

Cling to the Lord & Resist the Enemy

The Lord says, 
My love is seeing you through the chaos, the confusion, the attacks and the intrusions into your personal life. My love and My grace are carrying you through all of this. The stress, the anger, the constant fighting defense, the frustrations, I see them all. They are as real to Me as they are to you. I see what you are experiencing, how you are trying to stay focused on the most important things — on Me, on faith, on what’s right, on defending truth and protecting freedom.

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