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Today is the Day of Breakthrough

The Lord says, I Am fulfilling promises. I Am sending, delivering answers to promises by the hands of My messenger and delivery agents, angels, today. There are many, and their arms are full of gifts and surprises - which are actually answers to prayers - answers to your prayers and answers to prayers others have prayed for you. It is My delight that today will be a day of breakthrough for many.

Winds of Change

The Lord says, My spring rain is starting. This is My spring rain for My spring and summer harvest. We think about fall being the season of harvest, but I Am always bringing forth a harvest - different harvests in different seasons. The harvest now is going to be a very sweet one, a very plentiful one. This harvest will weight down trucks, will bring much joy and celebration to the harvesters and to the people.

Clearing the Decks

The Lord says, 
Purity and innocence. I long to see My children return to a place of purity and innocence. I long for them to live in pure joy, with clean and open, unbroken, uncorrupted hearts; with eyes of wonder, full of faith; with minds filled with beautiful, worthy, clean things.

Rest & Adventure

The Lord says, 
Grace and favor for My people. I’m moving in grace and favor over My people, on behalf of My people. I will touch them with tangible expressions of My grace and favor, and they will be surprised and they will feel it and receive it as My love moving in their life.

Grace & Surprises

The Lord says, 
Patience. I’m breathing patience and grace and life on those who don’t know Me yet. Those who have been lied to, believe lies, live in ways that don’t serve or benefit them. To these I Am extending a heart of grace and compassion. I am beckoning them in.

On the Right Track

The Lord says, 
I’m getting to work. The end of My patience has been reached. My cups of patience have gone dry. My heart of compassion and love for My people is moving, is expanding, is overwhelming. And My love, My move will overwhelm the wicked. My move will overcome the wicked. My move is like a wave crashing over the world. And it will cause many hearts to be changed and will cause many eyes to look up. It will cause many to exalt My Name. And it will cut off the wicked below the knees.

Sacred Life & Victory

The Lord says, I’m thinking about safety, sanctity of life. Babies in mothers’ wombs. I’m thinking about these precious babies. The ones that I planted and gave life to, in whom I breathed the breath of My Spirit and filled their still forming lungs. Can man create life from nothing? No – he cannot.

Clearing the Stage

The Lord says, I'm dwelling on Jesus and the light that He carried on the Earth. His compassion and kindness and honesty drew people to Him. Many came to Him because of His reputation as a teacher and a healer and for knowing things that couldn’t be naturally known. Others were drawn to Him and didn’t necessarily know why. It was the peace and the truth that He carried. It was the joy and delight and simplicity that He lived from.

Freedom for the Captives

Asia. I Am doing wonders in Asia. It’s not being reported on in the U.S. yet. The media may hide it for a while. But I Am doing wonders in Asia. Healing wonders, visitations, pouring My Spirit out. Wild wild moves of My Spirit are moving through Asia like wildfire. China specifically is experiencing My Move.

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