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Today’s Readings:
Proverbs 6:16-23
1 John 3
John 6:22-40
Isaiah 61

If anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied! For when you drink the water I give you it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, springing up and flooding you with endless life!

John 4:14

Intense Love & Communing in the Desert

The Lord says,
The intensity of My love for the people is burning today. It is shining a bright light, and it is bringing encouragement to hearts. My love is causing people to lift their heads to the heavens and connect with Me. Those who are in the desert place are reaching out in response to the sensation of My intense love, and they are finding Me. I was never far, though they may have not known or realized I was there, I have always been here. I Am always within reach.

As they find Me in the desert place, they sit down to commune with Me. They sit near a stream that was just a trickle at first but it is growing in volume, strength and power. These love-kissed ones are so engrossed in conversation with Me, that they don’t even notice the growing stream, and they don’t notice that the landscape around them is changing. They barely even notice the passing of time and days. So deep is the communion, so engrossing and vibrant and full of love and awe is the conversation, that all they see is Me.

I Am moving to meet with people in the desert place and with people who find themselves in a spiritual desert. And as they respond to My outreached hand and offering of love, they will be refreshed and consumed with an awestruck love for Me. Everything else will fade into the periphery, will fade in importance and urgency. Communion with Me and connection with Me will be the only and most important priority.

I Am quenching their thirst in the desert place. I Am moving and meeting them in improbable ways. They no longer thirst as those who don’t know Me, those in despair. They thirst as the lovestruck ones, who long for more time, more connection, a greater and deeper understanding. This is the thirst they now have.


The Lord says,
I am moving chess pieces, and I Am making strategic moves. I have purposefully taken strategic short-term losses, so that I can make My surprise move and be the one standing victorious on the board.

I Am luring them into a false sense of safety and playing on their pride and arrogance. I Am exploiting their haughty misplaced confidence. I Am letting them believe that I Am a loser, and I’m allowing them to call Me a loser. But I don’t lose. I look like I have mud on my face. I look like My defeat is assured. They think My defeat has already happened, even though the game is still in play. They have taken their eyes off of the game board to gloat about the score, to stir up more wickedness and to make more evil orders. And as their face is turned from the game board, I make My move and it is checkmate. Game over. No recourse. No do-overs. No participation trophies.

You will soon hear the sounds of freedom. You will soon be celebrating My victory. You will soon be filled with wild uncontainable joy. The victory will be so stunning that it may take you a moment to compute that it has happened. You may hear your voice of celebration joining in, and it may startle you, because it wasn’t even a voluntary act. It was an involuntary reaction of your spirit that sped past your brain as the victory was won.

Don’t look at the score. Keep your eyes on Me. My victory has been won. The enemy has been defeated. My victory is assured. You will see it play out, and your eyes will barely believe it.

How to Respond

  • If you find yourself in some kind of personal desert place, know that the Lord is there, and He is reaching out His hand and offering His intense love to you. You just have to reach out and grasp it.
  • Ask the Lord to show you what He sees when He looks at you. Write it down. Don’t be afraid. He’s the best, most loving Father.
  • Sit in the love songs of the Bible – read Song of Songs and the Psalms and the Gospels to keep yourself filled up with a fresh recognition of His very specific love for you.
  • Declare the day of the Lord’s victory.
  • Declare the end to the reign of wickedness and evil in America.
  • Daydream with the Lord about what your celebration might look like when the day of celebrating His victory breaks forth.


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