Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 45
Psalm 145
19 Every godly one receives
Psalm 145:19
even more than what they ask for.
For you hear what their hearts really long for,
and you bring them your saving strength.
The Lord says,
You have exited the time of extreme and intense testing. There is grace for the abundance you experienced there, so you will experience more abundance as a result of this grace. Grace begets abundance.
Lean into this time of grace. See the abundance that squeezes out as you lean on My grace. It will be like a flood of My goodness, provision and mercy for the days you are in. Walk with your head lifted high, for you are covered by My grace. Be graceful – full of grace. Expect grace and you will see it. Expect grace and you will find it in your hands. Expect grace and you will experience it at every turn.
16 When you open your generous hand, it’s full of blessings,
Psalm 145:16-17
satisfying the longings of every living thing.
17 You are fair and righteous in everything you do,
and your love is wrapped into all your works.
As you cling tightly to Me, God of grace, you will see My abundance of grace pour forth for you.
We are entering a season of great grace, of undeserved favor, one where I supernaturally impart new abilities for you to walk in the assignments I have called you to. They may look impossible, unlikely and perhaps like a bad fit. But if I call you to them, then My grace is available for them. Don’t reject them. Walk up to them in confidence, full of grace, humility and wonder, and say, “yes Lord, give Me the grace to take this on. Give me the grace to walk in this.” And watch as I make the impossible happen before your eyes and at your hands.
Grace is not just undeserved favor; it is also the operational power of God.
– Kris Vallotton
Choose to live a lifestyle in the flow of My grace. Choose to live with great expectation that My favor and My supernatural impartation will greet you at every turn, every obstacle, every assignment, and in every relationship. These are the days of mighty grace encounters — ones where the impossible happening becomes the norm, ones where the highly unlikely becomes quickly accomplished, and ones where the insurmountable is overcome in a day. These are days where My grace imparts an acceleration and an oil that greatly reduces and even eliminates friction from the process. It causes things to be done more quickly with less effort, gliding with ease over the sticky and bumpy obstacles.
2 ‘I will march out in front of you and level every obstacle.
Isaiah 45:2-3
I will shatter to pieces bronze doors
and slice through iron bars.
3 I will give you hidden treasures from dark, concealed places
and wealth waiting in secret sites
so that you recognize me, for it is I, Yahweh,
the God of Israel, who calls you by your name!
These days of My grace flowing freely with such abundance and speed, with such precision will cause many transformations of lives, of homes, of institutions. My grace is here for building, for assignments and for transformation of the status quo. My grace brings with it great wisdom and insight for the task at hand. It brings with it great strength to carry those put under your charge. It carries with it a lightness of heart and spirit, so that it can all be done with great joy, with excitement, with a heart of thanksgiving and with lips of praise and celebration.
The work will seem tremendous and impossible. But My grace will be more than sufficient. My grace will be the accelerant, the lubricant and the impartation of wisdom that allows you to build, run, grow and transform whatever I have called you to with great ease, with delight, and with eyes and a heart filled with purpose. You will see these as callings, as missions, as imperatives.
10 Everything you have made will praise you, fulfilling its purpose.
Psalm 145:10-12
And all your godly ones will be found bowing before you.
11 They will tell the world of the lavish splendor of your kingdom
and preach about your limitless power.
12 They will demonstrate for all to see your miracles of might
and reveal the glorious majesty of your kingdom.
Watch for new assignments. Watch for the impossible to land at your doorstep. Watch for asks of untold magnitude to come your way. You will hear yourself say because of the grace and confidence I have placed in your heart, “well, the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time, so let’s get to it.” The work will be tackled with wisdom, and My grace will make these difficult, beyond impossible assignments, tasks and challenges seem like they were done with lightning speed, with ease and as if it were but a minor project. Then I will place a bigger one at your door. Your confidence in My grace, your experience in having My very grace in your hands will allow you tackle the next even more critical, more impossible, truly mind boggling project.
My grace is here for building, running, growing and transformation. Open your hands and your heart, and ask for My grace to walk in the challenges you are facing today.
See how I bless you with energy, insight, wisdom, acceleration and ease. Successfully meeting the challenge or project or issue you are facing now that needs My grace will serve as the baseline for the the next project I will send your way.
How to Respond
- Trust the Lord’s plan and timing.
- Ask the Lord for an impartation of His grace to meet the challenge that is standing in front of you today.
- Ask the Lord to pour out His wisdom, provision, favor and supernatural acceleration to help you meet the challenges successfully.
- Declare that the Lord is imparting great undeserved favor and supernatural ability to succeed in all that comes your way.
- Declare that the Lord’s grace is here for building, running, growing and transformation.
- Declare that God’s grace is available to all who ask.
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