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Today’s Readings:
Proverbs 20
1 John 1
1 Corinthians 3:8-23
Isaiah 45

24 It is the Lord who directs your life,

for each step you take is ordained by God

to bring you closer to your destiny.

So much of your life, then, remains a mystery!

Proverbs 20:24

He’s Called Us to Bravery

The Lord says,
I have called you to bravery. I have called you to join yourself with Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Through covenant relationship with Jesus, your inner man is infused and strengthened with the strength and bravery of a lion. I have changed out your self-focused, self-centered heart and replaced it with a heart from the great compassionate, fierce and courageous Lion of Judah. You are of the tribe of Judah if you have been grafted in. Bravery and discernment are your birthrights. You should not fear how to walk from one day to the next. The Lion Heart of Jesus lives inside of you, and Holy Spirit is comforting and guiding you in the way you should go. Rise up. Rise up in bravery with conviction about the situations and decisions set before you. Rise up in great compassion for those suffering and those in a weaker position — those not yet in covenant with Jesus, those who are facing great impositions and those whose circumstances are dire. Rise up and use your voice. Rise up and make bold declarations that every deceiving world view and every attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of Jesus must be torn down.

Covenant with Jesus

The Lord says,
Much of humanity has divorced itself from Jesus, and has instead chosen the self-centered way of life. This is not sustainable. It will not hold the weight of the issues that face you. This self-centered, self-driven lifestyle will crumble as the pressure builds.

Covenant with the Christ and Messiah Jesus is the firm foundation upon which My Unshakeable Kingdom is built. Rise up. Join yourself to the Great and Mighty, the fierce Lion of Judah, and find safety, courage, strength, true identity and belonging. The enemy has lied many countless lies — and chief among them is the lie that you are better off on your own. I have not abandoned you nor forsaken you. I made you. You were particularly designed from the beginning to be in intimate relationship with Me. That’s why life outside of Me is so dysfunctional. Watch how I transform your life as you step into partnership with Me. It is beautiful and unmatched. This is the place where you can find and dwell in perfect peace. I Am Healer. I Am Restorer. I Am Creator, and I Am the Builder of destinies. Walk with Me, and you will experience the quieting of the chaos and the confusion to a low rumble. Come to Jesus and receive your lion heart.

Rise Up and Advance

The Lord says,
Rise up and declare “No More!” to the enemy. Rise up and refuse his advances — against your home, your relationships, your mental health, your community and your nation. Rise up. Use your voice. Go to battle. I Am your front and your rear guard. Trust My voice. Trust the convictions I have placed in your heart. Go! Go! Go!!

The Lord is Launching Destinies

The Lord says,
I Am moving to restore. I Am moving to restore all parts of society. I Am moving to restore righteous leadership, confidence in governance — for the nation and for all spheres of influence. It takes a shaking to wake people up. It takes this shaking to open their eyes to what has been going on all around them — under their very noses. It takes a shaking to stir readiness, conviction, purpose and action. This is the shaking. You know we are in the shaking.

This shaking is launching people out – more and more each day – to take on the issues and the matters that I have set fire to in their hearts. Be among them. This shaking is a launch pad for destiny. It will be impossible to perceive as you go, but over time you will see it clearly — that this shaking, this burning in your heart, this calling and your response was a great positioning for destiny.

To the enemy I say, game, set, match. He is no match for Me and My lion-hearted warriors. These are going into every sphere of society and becoming advocates, truth tellers and great guardians of the future. This is a serious level setting of the playing field, and those with the enemy are being ejected from the game — left, right and center. This is a great clearing of the field, a great cleaning of the house, and a wiping of the slate clean.

The ending of the clearing and the ejecting will have a very definitive feel to it, and moving forward from there, it will require constant gardening and tending to maintain. Soon you will see a great many ejections from every sphere of society — faith, family, education, government, media, economy and entertainment. Many, many, many ejections will free up space and make room for great innovations, great reforms and new ways of operating.

Be joined to Jesus. Receive your lion heart, so you can victoriously and with perfect peace withstand the shaking. What’s coming next is going to be really good.

How to Respond

  • Take a step closer to the Lord. Ask Him to give you a revelation of the Lion’s heart He’s placed within you.
  • If you need to receive Jesus, and His lion heart covenant, do that today – here’s how.
  • Ask the Lord to show you where, how and when to run into the battle.
  • Ask the Lord for a fresh release of destiny in your life.
  • Declare that the Lord and His lion-hearted warriors are occupying, winning and ejecting the enemy from the game.
  • Declare that the shaking is coming to an end and that those on the side of the Lord will experience great victory.
  • Pray for the awakening and activation of those on the side of the Lord and those who have not joined Him yet.


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