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Today’s Readings: 
Galatians 6:6-10
Ephesians 4
Psalms 2-4
Isaiah 9:1-7

Let me be clear, the Anointed One has set us free – not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back to the bondage of our past.

Galatians 5:1

One Nation Under God

The Lord says,
I’m thinking about America as one nation under God, one nation created as a nation set apart, dedicated to Me, established on principles of freedom, liberty, justice and above all the freedom to worship. The founders of this nation set out a clear and distinct vision for how it would self-govern. And over time, that vision was weakened through bad interpretations, through the views of those who don’t know Me and don’t have an interest in the destiny of the country. The views set out by the founders have been turned inside out. And now the views of Christians are the most marginalized, least listened to, least respected and least tolerated views on the national stage. The views of My people are mocked and belittled. And the views that oppose Me and My Word are exalted above all else in the name of tolerance and freedom. I did not give you freedom that exalts perversion, exalts apostasy, exalts and promotes the anti-Christ spirit and diminishes My Word, My people, My Name and truth. This is totally backwards, totally upside down and inside out.

This nation is a nation set apart, covenanted to Me for a destiny of freedom, compassion, liberty, truth, justice and self-determination. You are to be a city on a hill.
You are a city on a hill, and the light that you have been shining has dimmed. The light that you have been shining is distorted and not pure, because of the darkness that has overtaken the hill. This grieves Me. This was never the intention for your country. From its foundation, the intention was to be a reflection of Me and My Kingdom and of Freedom in Christ.

Time for Change

The Lord says,
I Am moved with passion, with compassion and with love to change the course and trajectory of this nation. It is My desire and My will that peace should return, that peace should reign, that unity and brotherhood is established, that clear vision, right minds and open hearts are restored. I will clear away the chaos, the confusion, the lies, the strife, the enmity, the obstacles. And I will make a way where there seems to be no way.

I Am healing the breaches. I Am restoring what was divided. I Am building up the waste places and making a highway in the desert. What I do will stun and amaze all who look on, all who experience it. All will witness it. The tide has turned. Change is here.

The Establishment of Truth

The Lord says,
I am demolishing the power of the lies that have permeated every part of life and society. I Am making things clear and obvious, and shockingly stark. The truth will sit as a permanent statue in plain sight that cannot be avoided or removed or explained away. I Am installing and establishing a pillar of truth that will block the highways, block the commercial paths, will block the pathway to healthcare providers, to food sources, to pharmacies, to the arts and entertainment, to schools, to churches, to government. This pillar of truth will block business as usual. It will stop business as usual. And it will cause all to look up at it in wonder. It will cause great disorientation at first, as lies have to be unwound and exposed and dissolved in the presence of this pillar of truth. Then lightbulbs of understanding will go off, then righteous indignation at the incredible volume of lies that built the highways to these places, to all parts of life and society and identity. Then the people will build new paths and new institutions. They will respond and demand justice, they will demand restitution. They will demand the demolition of the houses of lies, of the institutions built on lies and perpetuating ills in society. They will build new paths, and all of these new paths are established in truth. This pillar of truth will be the home base and starting point for these new paths for a healthier, right-minded, clear-eyed, open-hearted, united brother and sisterhood society.

Following the acknowledgement of truth as the central point, the foundational point, the starting block, a great righteousness will descend on the Earth and the people. Righteousness from Heaven will come as a response to their response and acknowledgment of truth. This Spirit and presence of righteousness will be the new mark of this new society in this new day and this new era. I will cloak the people in righteousness as they respond appropriately to truth and as they receive the truth.

How to Respond

  • Declare the restoration of America as an example and beacon of light, of freedom, of justice and identity in Christ Jesus.
  • Declare the Lord’s establishment of truth in the land – connected to all realms of society and life.
  • Ask the Lord to open your eyes to truth and to reveal it to you today.
  • Ask the Lord to give you a fresh vision of America cloaked in righteousness and to show you your part in it.


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