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The Lord says,
It’s in my heart to make the dreams of my children come true. I have heard your prayers, the cries of your heart, the longings. And it is my good will and My pleasure to bring life and reality to those dreams and prayers. You have felt that there is a big chasm between your prayer and the answer. And it has made your heart sad and sick. But I am taking away that sadness. I am wiping the away the heaviness of heart and the downcast eyes. I AM the lifter of your head. I feel the pressure and the pain of these years of seeing no progress. Of these decades of hope deferred. And My heart feels your sorrows. I am moving to soothe the heartache, to put salve on the broken and stressed places that have come as a result of years of waiting. And I am saying once more, get your hopes up. Lift your eyes and put them on Me. He who puts his hope in Me will not be put to shame or be disappointed (Romans 10:11). Blessed is she who believed, for she will see the fulfillment of the Word of the Lord (Luke 1:45).

I will bring solutions. I am bringing answers. I am bringing closure. I am bringing revival. I am bringing strategies , divine connections and new routines.

This is a time of an abundance of answered prayers. This is a time of clearing the backlog. This is a time where you will blink your eyes in amazement. And your heart will receive it before your mind, because it will be too wonderful for you too process. Don’t hold your heart back. Don’t hedge your bets, don’t protect yourself from the possible sting of not seeing the answer that you have been asking for.

The Lord says,
Lift your heart up to Me once more. Trust in Me once more. Put your hopes in Me once more. I will bring rest to your weary soul. I will bring joy and uplift your heart. I will shine My Glory on you and brighten your countenance. I will cause you to sing again.

God’s Presence as a Spotlight

The Lord says,
I am shining upon the earth. I am bringing warmth – to the wicked and to the righteous alike. But I am also bringing a spotlight and shining it into dark places. I am uncovering deeds of darkness, and making these things impossible to ignore, impossible to hide any longer. I am putting instruction in the hearts of My people. To respond. The spotlight of My Presence will make inaction impossible. My Presence in this hour will be a call to action. Will be a response. Will look like rescue missions, will look like medic teams.

These rescue missions will revive many, will restore breath and hope to many. Will soothe many and My medics, My first responders will touch many with the Power of My Blood and the Word of My Testimony.

How to Respond

The Lord says,
• It’s important to sit with Me. It’s important to have your heart and mind cleared out and your spirit filled with gratitude and praise. These are keys to seeing and hearing clearly at this time.
• Prophesy joy – that the joy of the Lord would be your strength and the strengthening of the believers in this hour.
• Call forth hope. That hope would rise up in My people.
• Declare clarity. That My people would see and understand what they are to do in this hour. That they would hear My instruction clearly.
• Declare that the army of the Lord, the believers would be quick to respond. No hesitation, no holding back.


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