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Today’s Readings:
1 John 2:15-17
Isaiah 57:14-21

Psalm 119

For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:3

Change is in the Air

The Lord says,
I Am changing the air. I Am changing the atmosphere. I Am releasing My Spirit in a tangible way into the atmosphere. And it will make it easier to breathe. It will bring relief. It will diffuse the tension in the air and in your heart, and I will replace it with expectation, hope and joy.

I Am changing the atmosphere. I Am soothing hearts and releasing people from anxiety, releasing them from a fear of the future, from a fear of the future for their children as they look at the wickedness of the horrible path that seems to being paved toward the future. I will wash out that road, I will cause that road to disintegrate and wash away. And I am paving a new road, one built up high, one that is strong and resilient and true, one that is clear of obstacles and has no potholes.

This is the new road I Am paving toward the future. It is well lit, smooth and it has a great perspective. It gives you a higher perspective as you travel along it. You will travel along it toward the goal – and though it tarries, wait for it. It will certainly come, it will not delay

Paving a New Road

The Lord says,
This road is one of fruitfulness, of prosperity, of hope and life. My road lets you not think about the road but instead focus on those traveling with you, on the sights around you, on the opportunities and adventures around you. Because the road is good and reliable and true, you don’t have to pay as much attention to the road. You can engage in life, because of the road.

I Am building a road that is certain and doesn’t require constant attention or fear. The road I Am building to take us toward the future is one of honesty, of reliability, of integrity. The keepers of the road, the maintenance crew is not there to overcomplicate the path. They are there to clear obstacles when they arise from time to time, and they are there to maintain the quality and dependability, the integrity of the road. That’s it. These are believers – believers I have called into leadership positions in the nation and political leaders. These are the ones I Am calling, and their job will be just to clear the way, maintain, and stay out of the way.

This is a picture of the future of politics. It will be very austere. Politicians are the guardians of the road to the future. That’s it. They will listen and consult and collaborate with strong believers who have been raised up as leaders. They will partner together as equals in guarding the road to the future.

The State of Today’s Road

The Lord says,
Today people are patching bumps and gaps in this broken down road. They are adding tar and pitch and substances of sticky darkness to the road. As life has been heating up, the people have gotten stuck in the road. They can’t move forward. This road does not take you to anywhere desirable anyway. This awful, broken down, sticky road of darkness has been layered for years on top of My beautiful road. And no one even can see My road any longer. No one even recognizes that My road was there. They don’t know or won’t acknowledge that My road was there first. And yet you are stuck, yet you are progressing, full of filth and tar down a road that does not lead to life, does not lead to Me. What’s the point?

I Am dropping My wrecking ball on massive swaths of this road. I have no patience for this road, it is an eye sore, an abomination, and it is a series of hindrances and difficulties and irritations and hazards to the people. This road leads to destruction, and I am very tired of looking at it. I Am very tired of seeing this ugly road that is hurting my people, injuring my people and leading them in the wrong direction. I Am breaking up this road today. I will drop My holy wrecking ball on this road in many sections, in many places. I will destroy this black road to destruction, and I will cause the filth and the grime and the places that hurt all of the people – to be swept and washed away by the rains of My wrath, blessing and favor. These rains are all the same. It just depends on the condition of your heart, the position of your heart – as to which rain you experience.

He’s Raising Up a New Road

The Lord says,
And up from underneath where this filthy horrible abominable road once was, My beautiful, pristine, smooth and easy road of light will rise. It will rise, and it will become prominent. The people will marvel at how much better this road is, how much more reliable this road is, how much less injury there is, how much less pain, how there are fewer obstacles and no confusion. They will marvel that the road leads to pleasant places and it is a Glorious and very wonderful road. I will build up the waste places. I will build up the waste places and make them beautiful – the places that once led to destruction, I will transform for the people. The places that once tripped them up, I will smooth over. I will give them an elevation, a much better, higher perspective, and they will see life now instead of death. They will see health, and opportunity and joy, connection, family, truth and a prosperous soul. They will desire to only travel along My road, My Glorious road because my yoke is easy and my burden is light. This road is the one many will choose. Many will live in transformation, in healing, in worship, in joy, in restoration, in purity, and in compassion and outreach on My Glorious road.

This road is a road of unity. Many will walk hand in hand, many who were once going their own way, will now call themselves, will identify as, and I will also call them My children. These will walk hand in hand, voices in unity, steps in unity, with eyes toward My Glorious future with hearts full of compassion for those who have not yet chosen to step onto My Glorious road. My united children will stop, they will minister, and they will bring these stragglers, and wanderers and loners along. This is how My Glorious, Beautiful road will be populated with pure, true, transformed, healed believers. New believers. Many many many – countless believers. Well, you can’t count them, but I have counted each one. I know them by name and I love them with an intensity that will blow you away. I love you with that intensity too. And you will get a taste of that intensity in the days to come.

How to Respond

  • Today is a good day to pause and reflect with the Lord. Ask Him what mindsets you have that need to be cleared out, what beliefs you have that are leading you into unhealthy patterns.
  • Fill your house, your office, your car with worship today.
  • Declare the coming of the Glorious new future that the Lord has planned. It is already established. Call it forth and declare that it has a home in your heart, your family, your city and America.
  • Declare a path of unity for America.
  • Agree with the Lord in the destruction and removal of evil in America and the world. Continue to contend for it until we see this work completed.


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