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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 66
Psalm 40
John 17:14-26

18 I despise their evil works and their thoughts,” says Yahweh. “The time is coming for me to gather people together from all over the world, and they will come and gaze on my radiance.

Isaiah 66:18

The Lord Desires Freedom for the People

The Lord says,
This is what’s on My heart — freedom from bondage, freedom from the sin that ensnares many, freedom from worshipping lesser gods, freedom from such low views of self, freedom from oppression. Freedom. Pure and simple freedom.

I Am holy. I Am patient, and I Am kind. My patience with this generation of leaders has run out.

It’s time for justice. It’s time for exposure. It’s time for the the side of Me seen when Jesus flipped the tables, made a whip and chased out the the money changers and the traders from My house.

There will be public disgrace. There will be a chasing out from the people’s houses – the houses that are meant to house the leaders on whom My anointing rests. The will of the people has been usurped.

The will of the people has realigned to My will. The people have cried out in anguish, in frustration, in remorse and in repentance. The people are aligned with Me, with My will, with My design, with My vision for the future. Together we will lift a mighty roar, and the corrupted ones will be driven out as if with whips by the rage of the people who I Am backing. Watch as state houses and other great offices are cleared out as the corrupted cowards who defied the will of the people are run out of town, are jailed and are shamed before the masses.

I will not be mocked. And those who have called up on My Name and who have submitted their hearts and lives to Me in great repentance will not go unheard or unanswered. The time of the corrupt is up. The time of the usurpers is up.

I will usurp them all! I Am the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. I Am the God who usurps the plans of the enemy.
His plans will be turned upside down, and they will fail miserably. They will backfire, and the traps they set for My people, My chosen ones will snap shut viciously and decisively on them. This is a time of many Hamans. Many will be hung on the gallows of their own making because of pride, arrogance, evil and corruption. Mark my words. These ones who plot the destruction of My people, my chosen leaders and the innocent children will fall by the traps created at their own direction, at their own hands. This is not over yet.

Rebuilding and Re-Constitution

The Lord says,
After this, we will enter a period of great rebuilding, of reconstruction, of honest living and cleansing of many institutions. This is a resetting of the procedures, of the way things are done, of the whole operational basis of society. This will be a clean slate time where many beautiful and right ways of doing things will be established. Honesty, truth, transparency for the people, honor and justice will be established. And once again Americans will hold their heads high and be proud of what their country stands for, what it represents and what it exports to the world. The time for choosing sides is over. The great flip is here. The reversal is here. The destruction of the works of the enemy is here.

How to Respond

  • Check your heart. Ensure your heart is aligned with the ways, the principles and the character of the Lord.
  • Worship and sing songs of thanksgiving.
  • Declare that exposure, reversals and justice are here.
  • Declare that the Lord will bring swift and decisive justice to those who have plotted against and usurped the will of the people.
  • Declare that days of rebuilding, reconstruction and reestablishing true and right ways are just ahead of us.


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