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Today’s Reading:
Matthew 11

28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

The Spirit of the Lord says,
You’re on My heart. You’re on My heart, and you’re on My mind. Don’t get weighted down by those burdens and worries you are carrying. I have provided a way for them to float. It’s time to discern if the weight you are carrying is weight I have called you to carry. Do you need to let it go altogether? Or do you need to let My grace empower you? My grace can make these heavy weights float above you without the pressure and the burden. I love you, and I adore you. You were never meant to carry this burden alone. You have asked for help, and I Am here. I have never left nor forsaken you. Open your eyes and loosen your grip. Let me help you with the load you are carrying.

29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29

Some things I will take fully on My back. Some things I will share to lighten the load, and some things I will set aside completely, because they are not for you to carry. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. If the burden feels heavy, call on Me. Invite Me in. Ask Me to share the load, to lighten the load, to survey the load with a divine perspective and remove anything that is not meant for you. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. My desire for you is to walk in delight — in delight of Me, in delight of creation, and in delight of the gifts in life and of life with which I have surrounded you.

It may be about letting go. It may be about stepping back and releasing your tight grip of control powered by worry. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Release your grip, and lay it all down before Me. Let us walk through the burdens, the weights, the perceived responsibilities one by one. What do we leave here on the ground? What is a false burden or a burden that was never yours to carry? What are you carrying that we can shift to Me? Those are the big ones obviously. What are the ones we should carry together? There are none you need to carry alone.

30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Matthew 11:30

My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Stop. Drop the great burdens you have been carrying, and let us take inventory together. I promise that you will live lighter and freer if you survey the burdens with Me. Walk into freedom. The first step will come after you lay your burdens down before Me, and we inventory it all together. I will give you wisdom. I will toss some of these burdens out. I will take the heaviest ones on My own back; and I will give you instruction for how to carry along with Me, in partnership with Me, what remains. You are not alone. This burden is not all yours to carry.

How to Respond

  • Sit with the Lord. Write out all of the burdens that you are carrying — worries, fears, perceived responsibilities and duties. Ask the Lord which ones to toss out, which ones to shift fully to Him and which ones He desires to carry in partnership with you.
  • Pray, Lord, I don’t want to carry any burden or weight that is not mine to carry. Help me to discern and to obey Your voice and leading. Help me to leave those worries and burdens behind that You say are not for me. Help me to roll the biggest ones over onto Your very capable, very strong, very trustworthy shoulders. Help me to walk in partnership with You in what remains.
  • Declare, the Lord is calling us to freedom from the burdens and weights that we carry. He is calling us to bring all of our burdens before Him and lay them down for an honest assessment with Him.
  • Decree, I will not carry anything the Lord has not called me to carry. None of the burdens I am supposed to carry will I carry alone any longer. I will leave behind the burdens, worries and weights that the Lord says are not mine. I will give Him the biggest ones to carry for Me. I will partner with Him in carrying all that remains.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day one year ago: An Explosive, Transformative Encounter with the Glory of God.


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