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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 26
Isaiah 29

But your dead will live again! Their bodies will rise from the dead! It’s time to awaken and sing for joy, you dwellers in the dust! As the glistening, radiant dew refreshes the earth, so the Lord will awaken those dwelling among the dead.

Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Holy Spirit of the Living God say,
Miracles will start sprouting from the ashes of defeat. Places in your life you thought were dead, that you called over, past and behind you — places where you have experienced crushing defeat — I Am causing miracles to sprout up from those ashes of defeat, and you will see victory. You will see overwhelming victory. You will see overcoming victory. You will see victory that laughs in the face of what had been not only sure, but final defeat. Your God is bigger.

Before you know it, Lebanon will be transformed into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field will seem like a forest. In that day the deaf will begin to hear the words that have been written, and out of the darkness and gloom, the eyes of the blind will be opened to see. The meek will overflow with fresh joy in the Lord Yahweh, and the poor will shout their praises to the Holy One of Israel!

Isaiah‬ ‭29‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Days of many victories, armies of victories rising up as miraculous wonders from their individual crushing defeats are upon us. Those hunted, abused, misused and even killed will rise from the ashes in victory, will rise and claim their justice. The miracles of which I Am speaking are situations in people’s lives and even the totality of their lives. You will watch as miracles rise up in great number and terrify the enemy. He took them out one by one, but he cannot face this now standing army of victories, of miracles, of risen ones who have overcome defeat. The slain will rise. The dead will rise. And fresh grace showers will refresh them, will energize them and will grow and further empower them to storm the gates of hell, to push back the limitations and the encroachment that hell has laid.

You have made our nation grow! Lord Yahweh, you have made our nation grow; you have revealed your glory, and you have extended all the borders of the land.

Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭15‬ ‭TPT‬‬

These miracles and miraculous ones will not accept the boundaries marked by hell. They will push back and overthrow those lines, because hell does not maintain boundaries, it only encroaches. They will push them back to the far, far reaches — to the far outer edges of the dry places. And they will set up a a watch against them. What seemed dead, what seemed impossible, what seemed lost forever is now rising in a miraculous sovereign move of God and will be restored. You will see these miraculous resurrections rise up as a mighty army that has absolutely no fear of the enemy and advances as those who have nothing to lose.

How to Respond

  • Pray, thank You Lord that You are the God of miracles, restoration and the One for whom nothing is impossible. I believe Your promises are true, and Your purposes will stand — no matter what evil the enemy has wrought. Cause many miracles to sprout from the ashes Lord. And help me to be bold and fierce in pushing back the gates of hell and overthrowing the boundaries that hell has drawn to keep me surrounded. Make me a fierce watchman who refuses any encroachment of hell on our territory.
  • Declare, the Lord’s destiny-plan for the Earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail. (Psalm 33:11)
  • Decree, This is a time in which the Lord causes many miracles to sprout up from the ashes of defeat. Situations and people which have been crushed by the enemy will rise in miraculous victory. A tremendous number of them will emerge, and they will rise as a mighty fearless army that pushes back the gates of hell and overthrows the false boundaries drawn by the enemy to keep the people of God silenced and contained. We will be faithful watchmen. We will live victoriously, and we will rule, reign and administer justice alongside King Jesus.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2024: You Can Have Total Peace in the Storm
2023: Work with the Diligence and Delight of a Determined Child
2022: The Truth Will Set You Free


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