The Valley of Vision
The Lord says,
I Am healing the land.
If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I have heard these prayers and continue to hear them rising to Me now.
This is Resurrection & Victory Season
The Lord says,
This is resurrection season. This is victory a season. It looks like defeat is all around. It looks like the enemy has won, that good has been trampled at every level and in every direction that you look. But this is My miraculous resurrection and victory season! Get your hopes up.
The Lord’s Graces & The Pure Gospel
The Lord says,
Choose Me. Choose to worship. Choose to bow. No matter what. Live with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. Live with eyes full of light and joy that come from deep in the wells of My living water. Lift your vessels deep deep within My wells and draw out trust, hope, joy and an abundant mindset. All of these come from deep in the well of My living water.
Salvation Is The Name of Jesus
The Lord says,
The enemy wants you to see devastation and destruction, but I say rejoice and sing songs of worship and victory for the victory is near. The enemy wants you to be crushed in defeat and despair, but I say rise up O woman! Rise up My man! Be brave and very courageous My valiant warriors!
Don’t Fear the Dark Days
The Lord says,
I have you. You are loved. You are covered by My love. Lean on Me. Wait on Me. Trust in Me. Step by step. Moment by moment. This is training ground. This is valuable education. This is valuable strength building. This is valuable endurance training. The work you’ve put your hands to, the training and strengthening you have done and the tests that have come your way have all prepared you for this moment, for this time. You have everything you need to weather this storm beautifully and to make the enemy look like the fool he is.
The Lord Is Bringing Healing & Justice
The Lord says,
I Am touching the hearts and minds of many. I Am healing PTSD, and I Am healing people of many traumas. I Am causing people who are experiencing traumatic events now to never sustain the trauma in their minds, bodies and souls. This is a time of a great release and healing from trauma in the Earth.
The Lord Is Looking for Faith
The Lord says,
When I return to the Earth, will I find faith? What does faith look like? It looks like a mustard seed. It looks like a tiny speck of belief in the direction of My promise, in the direction of what You’re hoping for.
Healing, Power & Change
The Lord says,
This is a season of a great healing of hearts. It’s a season of the healing of very deep wounds — wounds so deep that they cannot bee seen or perceived from the surface. They may even be forgotten about by the wounded one, but I Am moving to heal these wounds in deep places, these forgotten places, these neglected places and these places that have been assumed to be lost forever.
The Lord Is Your Power Source
The Lord says,
Your mind and your body have been wound tight. The stress, the anxiety, the fear and uncertainty have been battling against you. Come gently, quietly, humbly like a little child to My throne of grace. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.
The Lord Will Tilt the World Back to What’s Right
The Lord says,
Grab ahold of My supernatural peace. Grab ahold of My peace that passes all understanding. Grab ahold of Me as your anchor, your unmovable fixed point, your Unchanging God. Choose Me. Choose Peace.