Safe Passage from the Dry Place
Joshua Chapters 3-6
These chapters speak to us today - as members of a Royal Priesthood in the Body of Christ. That as we stand firm and carry the New Covenant made with Jesus’s blood, He will give us safe passage through the troubled waters that are overflowing their banks and lead us into the Promised Land.
His Kingdom Come
Jesus is rising. You can feel it in your spirit. You can feel it in your heart. He is rising and His name is rising. His eminence and preeminence are rising in the consciousness of the people. It will cause those on the side of the enemy to be more vicious and more combatant and increase the heat, the persecution of Believers.
Be Ready
We are not to take our breakthrough, to win our battle and leave others to fight for theirs alone. Our victory must lead the charge into their battle. The confidence and testimony we have in the Lord from our victory will give them strength and courage. And together we will wage war - not of flesh and blood. But in prayer and worship, with declarations and prophecy, for the breakthrough and the victory of our brothers and sisters.
Breakthrough is Here
I am a God who hears. I am a God of faithfulness and dependability. I am the God of answered prayers and promises fulfilled. My love is rushing forward like a river at full force. This is the day of breakthrough. The dam has been breached. It has been smashed open. And this is the day that the floodgate of My blessings and an outrageous abundance of My goodness come rushing forth.
Spread Joy
Hearing comes from your heart. That is the wellspring of life that I speak to and from. You can feel the Joy of the Lord bubble up through your heart. It’s the place that peace spreads from. It’s the place that worship arises from. It’s a sacred place. Jesus has residence there. It’s up to you to keep your heart clean and pure. That’s what makes it inhabitable and allows for clear communication.
Jesus is Resurgent
Jesus. He is resurgent. His Name has been suppressed. His Name has brought division. His Name has offended many. His Name causes stress in the hearts of many. But there is about to be a great revelation of the person of Jesus. Of the power, the innate power in the Name of Jesus.
Consider the Chickens
Consider the chickens. They look like they are minding their business. But they always keep an eye out for what others around them are doing, what movements are being made. They are easily spooked, easily startled. And though they were born with wings, they can’t fly. They can just get high enough off the ground for a moment to save themselves.
It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride
The healing that is taking place in these broken ones, in these bruised and damaged ones is coming with, is infused with a rush of energy, and power, of vision and with a target in their sights. The healing is bringing new life and energy - that is far beyond the levels experienced - even before the damage occurred. This energy and power is fueled by humility and gratitude for the work I’ve done.
Moving to a New Era
The destiny of many is wrapped up in this season. The major events soon to take place will change the trajectory of many lives. They will bring new opportunities, new purpose and a completely different perspective to the lives of many. These will run after big callings and big dreams and big ideas. And they will be a blessing to the world.
Get Your Hopes Up
It’s in my heart to make the dreams of my children come true. I have heard your prayers, the cries of your heart, the longings. And it is my good will and My pleasure to bring life and reality to those dreams and prayers.