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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 93
Psalm 146-147
Isaiah 60
Luke 12:30-59

93 Look! Yahweh now reigns as King!
He has covered himself with majesty and strength,
wearing them as his splendor-garments.
Regal power surrounds him as he sits securely on his throne.
He’s in charge of it all, the entire world,
and he knows what he’s doing!

Psalm 93:1

The Lord says,
Prepare ye, prepare ye the way of the Lord! I Am the Lord, and I come in majesty, in holiness and in royal splendor. Prepare your heads. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your homes. As Zaccheus didn’t get much notice, neither do you, I’m coming to your house today!

I Am robed in royal splendor. Nothing on Earth can compare to Me. The brilliance of the sunrise is but a shadow of My glory.

6 You keep all your promises.
You are the Creator of heaven’s glory,
earth’s grandeur, and the ocean’s greatness.
7 The oppressed get justice with you.
The hungry are satisfied with you.
Prisoners find their freedom with you.
8 You open the eyes of the blind,
and you fully restore those bent over with shame.
You love those who love and honor you.
9 You watch over strangers and immigrants
and support the fatherless and widows.
But you subvert the plans of the ungodly.
10 Lord, you will reign forever!
Zion’s God will rule throughout time and eternity!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Psalm 146:6-10

I’m coming for the sake of love. I’m coming to transform broken ones, poor of spirit ones, poor of mindset ones, dirty ones, lonely ones, forgotten ones, proud ones, loud ones and very rich ones. I’m coming to touch them with the transformative touch of My love. I Am coming to bring love, transformation, healing, and wholeness. I Am coming to to touch and heal and restore so many of so many different backgrounds and social strata. My love will be what unifies them.

Their testimonies of My love will be a strong and permanent bond that brings together unlikely ones, that mixes classes, races, sexes, ages, ethnicities and professions. My love is a great uniter. It is THE great uniter. My restorative and transformative and healing touch of love will cause many to rise at once in unity — newly of one heart and one mind, filled with love, with thanksgiving and hope, filled with compassion and eager to serve.

All rise, the day of My arrival is nigh. My love will knock you off of your feet!

40 So keep being alert and ready at all times. For I promise you that the Son of Man will surprise you and appear when you don’t expect him.”

Luke 12:40

Get your house in order. Get your heart in order. Those lingering things that you have been holding on to and know that you need to rid yourself of, cut them off now. They all will burn up in My Presence. All of the false things, the lesser things, the choices and the desires that are not holy, not true, not right, not of Me — they will burn up in My Presence, and no trace of them will remain. Do yourself a favor and get rid of them in advance. You will not regret it.

60 “Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned,
and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you!
2 Look carefully! Darkness blankets the earth,
and thick gloom covers the nations,
but Yahweh arises upon you
and the brightness of his glory appears over you!

Isaiah 60:1-2

Posture your heart and your person in worship and thanksgiving. These are welcoming and ushering My Presence in. The arrival of My Glory will be tangible. It will be corporate, but it will be highly personal. The impact of the arrival of My Glory will leave a mark. It will mark you for life. You will never be the same. Prepare your heart and your home. All who I touch become holy. All who I touch will have a revelation of identity and worth in Me.

2022 will be marked by the Manifest Presence of Jesus arriving in greater and greater measure in the Earth. This is My Glory.

How to Respond

  • Don’t put off the personal pruning that you have already identified. Get rid of habits, mindsets, triggers and hang ups to the best of your ability.
  • Don’t delay obedience or blessing someone the Lord has put on your heart. Do it now. Do it today.
  • Ask the Lord to search your heart and to highlight anything lingering there that is quenching the flow of His Spirit in your life – unforgiveness, bitterness, frustration over unanswered prayers and delay. Ask Him to help you repent and resolve these in your heart, so that your heart is pure and fertile soil before Him.
  • Live in an attitude of worship and thanksgiving.
  • Declare that the Manifest Presence of Jesus is arriving in greater and increasing measure to the Earth, and the Glory of the Lord is coming to touch homes and transform lives forever.
  • Declare that your heart and your home will be among them.


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