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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 32:1-8
Psalm 52-54

5 I have always trusted in your kindness, so answer me.
I will spin in a circle of joy
when your salvation lifts me up.

Psalm 13:5

Focus On The Lord

The Lord says,
The enemy wants you to see devastation and destruction, but I say rejoice and sing songs of worship and victory for the victory is near. The enemy wants you to be crushed in defeat and despair, but I say rise up O woman! Rise up My man! Be brave and very courageous My valiant warriors! This is not the end of the story. The story is about to take a dramatic turn for your good, for your benefit, for your prosperity and for your future. The enemy wants you to look inward, look down and be down and out. But I say, look up. Look out, look to the heavens, look to Me. I Am moving. I Am mighty and victorious, and I reign. Lest you forget, I Am the King of kings and the Lord of lords. What can the enemy do that I cannot change? Watch how I change things. Watch how I Am setting you up for the Glorious days. The story will not have his ending. It will have Mine.

So look up. Rejoice. Praise and sing while you work. My Pleasure and My favor are shining upon you. Receive them with great joy, with all joy. Lean on Me. Count on Me. Wait on Me. Watch for Me. I Am moving, and salvation is the Name of Jesus. Trust and obey. Those are instructions in this hour.

A Mighty United Shout

The Lord says,
I Am rising up. My Spirit is rising up within My mighty warriors. It is rising up in love and in protection. It is rising up in righteous anger and saying NO MORE! There will be a great rising up, and it is happening even now. This rising up will be unified, and with one voice there shall be a mighty shout that breaks the strongholds of the enemy, that causes the facade and the walls of this kingdom built on evil to come crumbling down. Watch as My Spirit rises within you, and shout when I say shout. It will be nearly involuntary – the shout that rises up in the Spirit realm. It will cause demons to flee, and the chains of many prisoners to be broken. Those held captive by the enemy’s lies and manipulation will be freed from all that held them in his grasp.

This mighty shout of love, of protection, of righteous anger will be the shout of deliverance that breaks open into a new day for America and for the world.

How To Respond

  • Be about the Father’s business. Do what He has called you to do in this time.
  • Lend a hand where it is in your power to do so.
  • Trust the Word of the Lord. Obey His voice and promptings.
  • Look up instead of down. Believe that this is not the end of the story.
  • Rejoice and sing victory songs.
  • Declare that the Lord is bringing deliverance and that He is using people like us to help usher it in.


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