On April 27th, I heard from the Lord about dolphins being a sign of the nearing moment where He will make an undeniable display of His power in California. The purpose of this display is to cause the people to wake up and return to Him, to be freed and transformed. Yesterday the news reported on a dolphin stampede off the coast of Southern California.
Below is an excerpt from that word and the link to the full post as well as a link to the article and video of the stampede.
The Lord says,
Large schools of dolphins sighted off the coast of California will be a sign that the tsunami wave is coming. Watch the water. One tsunami will beget the next. It’s like many have said, nothing can stop what is coming. Many have mocked Me and My Name and My Son and His sacrifice. They will see an undeniable display of My power. Those who witness it will be in awe. They will feel My Presence, and they will know that I Am real and I Am God. They will see that I Am has both awakened them with this and protected them from it. This will shake them awake, and it will not allow them to return to the status quo. They will feel Me in their innermost bones. They will kneel, bow and repent. They will find Jesus, and the very landscape of society in California will be changed. Watch for the tsunami of My power, My Presence to hit California. They will stand in awe of Me, and hearts will be changed forever.
Click here to see the video and article reporting on the dolphin stampede.
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