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A New Day Is Dawning in America

The Lord says, 
I delight in you and care for you like a new mama does for her baby. I dote on you, and My ears are attuned to your every sound. That’s the level of awareness I have about you — that of a first time mama with a newborn baby. My love floods out toward you with that same intensity and ferocity, gushing and protective.

The Lord’s Love & Outstretched Arm

The Lord says,
My heart is filled with intense love for My people and the grief of deep sorrow. My sorrow is the sorrow of loss — for My babies, for all of the aborted babies, for those lives snuffed out before they could have a fighting chance, those lives cut short long before the days and assignments of their beautiful destinies could be completed.

The Birth of a New Era

The Lord says, 
The lines of this song, O Holy Night, they describe the type of time and place we are again — where the world lays in sin and error pining. This is the condition of the world. My Presence is coming, is moving to restore, to reveal the inherent worth of My creation, My people. This is a mighty move of change. This is a move that restores the hearts and hopes of many. This is the move that heals minds and brings right thinking. 

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