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The Spirit of Truth Will Overtake the Airwaves

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection is nigh. A great resurrection is nigh. It is nearly upon us. It is nigh. Those who sleep are awaking. The shaking is causing graves to rumble. The shaking is causing graves to open. The shaking is causing vast cemeteries of ones who have been sealed tight and marked as dead to awaken to real life, to awaken to truth, to awaken to the spiritual reality that is more real than the news.

A Time of Great Holy Havoc Is Upon Us

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Change is incoming. Change is on it’s way — change that causes some to reverse course, change that brings sudden U-turns. If you didn’t know that My hand, My Spirit, My angelic forces were behind it, you might think that people have had sudden mental breaks. But the truth is My Spirit has broken through.

Change is Nigh

The Lord says, 
It’s time for a resurrection. It’s time for the unexpected. It’s time for change to seemingly come out of nowhere.

It’s time for a domino effect. It’s time for great, wild rejoicing. It’s time for celebration, parties, parades, confetti releases and fireworks.

Destiny is Being Launched for the Lion Hearted Ones

The Lord says, 
I have called you to bravery. I have called you to join yourself with Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Through covenant relationship with Jesus, your inner man is infused and strengthened with the strength and bravery of a lion. I have changed out your self-focused, self-centered heart and replaced it with one of the great compassionate, fierce and courageous Lion of Judah.

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