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Sudden, Unexpected Change Is Coming

I saw a vision of a crane plucking someone up and moving them across the skyline and depositing them in another location. Then I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
This is a time of unexpected transitions. This is a time of sudden, unexpected moves. What made sense even moments ago will no longer work the way it once did, will no longer gel the way it once did, will feel suddenly like it doesn’t make sense anymore.

This Is A Hinge of Time

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I love My little lambs, and I Am drawing them to Myself. This is a time of shaking and great darkness. This is a season of breakthrough and powerful, rarely seen before anointing. This is a hinge of time. On one side of the door is darkness, yet just on the other side is light.

Welcome to the Birthing Season

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Rest in Me. Be at ease in My Presence. Make Me home base. Make Me your place of comfort. I Am the Comforter. I Am the source of rest and wisdom. I Am the Prince of Peace. The birthing is coming, and the labor pains will feel hard. But you can choose to be at perfect peace in Me even in the midst of pain.

Keep Pushing

The Lord says, 
I’m stirring resurrection in the hearts of men and women. I’m stirring up expectation even in children. This is a look out on the horizon time, because My move is near and arriving. It is rolling in like a fearsome storm that causes all to run for cover. My glory and the hope of My mighty move are shining on and reflecting from the hearts of My lovers.

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