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Generations of Covenant

The Lord says, 
When I return will I find faith on the Earth? Is there faith for healing, faith for miracles, faith for this great transformation, this great flipping of circumstances that I have foretold through many prophets? I say that faith indeed does grow in darkness. This is not a psychological mechanism for self preservation. This is your spirit reaching out for Me. This is your spirit reaching out for help with passion to see the fulfillment of what your heart is hoping for. That is what faith is.

Jesus Loves the Little Children

The Lord says, Genesis. I’m going back to the beginning. To where it all started. To the shapeless formless void. Do you know why I called it a void? Because you were not there with Me. I desire to be with you. And that void in your life is the space I created for Me. We were meant to be together.

Sacred Life & Victory

The Lord says, I’m thinking about safety, sanctity of life. Babies in mothers’ wombs. I’m thinking about these precious babies. The ones that I planted and gave life to, in whom I breathed the breath of My Spirit and filled their still forming lungs. Can man create life from nothing? No – he cannot.

Harvest of Hearts

An impact is coming. You can feel it in the atmosphere. It is coming and it will blindside many. Many have an inkling, know that things are not right, know that change is needed, have cried out in prayer for change. But many will not see it coming. And this impact will knock many off of their feet. It will be felt by all. It is My impact.

It Has Started

The Lord showed me that the Body of Christ is in a dark time of transition and many are weary of looking for answers. There is a fear that we will be waiting a long time to see answers and solutions. The real issue is that we are unable to find the answers with a human perspective. We should not be afraid. The Lord has trustworthy people of authority stewarding and guarding this transition period. And we have the authority to determine our own personal boundaries and who can be inside of the intimate circle during this time.

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