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Today’s Readings:
Matthew 14:34-36
Isaiah 14:1-7
Psalm 103
Ephesians 3:14-17 and 4:1-5

Live happily together in a spirit of harmony, and be as mindful of another’s worth as you are your own. Don’t live with a lofty mindset, thinking you are too important to serve others, but be willing to do menial tasks and identify with those who are humble minded. Don’t be smug or even think for a moment that you know it all. Never hold a grudge or try to get even, but plan your life around the noblest way to benefit others. Do your best to live as everybody’s friend.

Romans 12:16-18

Moved by Faith

The Lord says,
When I return will I find faith on the Earth? Is there faith for healing, faith for miracles, faith for this great transformation, this great flipping of circumstances that I have foretold through many prophets? I say that faith indeed does grow in darkness. This is not a psychological mechanism for self preservation. This is your spirit reaching out for Me. This is your spirit reaching out for help with passion to see the fulfillment of what your heart is hoping for. That is what faith is.

Even now, faith is growing in this dark time. And My Presence is already here. I Am here and I see your faith. And I see the great groaning of faith in the earth – faith that truth will prevail, faith for honorable leadership, faith for righteousness and justice to return to the earth, faith for restoration of families and faith for personal dreams to come true. Yes, I see your faith.

I Am moving to touch your faith, to meet your faith with the reality of My touch. Like the woman with the issue of blood and the many others in crowds during Jesus’s time on the earth who reached out in faith to touch the hem of Jesus’s robe, to touch the fringes of His robe. That is how your faith is reaching out to Me now.
And I Am moving, I Am close enough. Your faith is touching Me. And My power is going out in response to your faith, and it is moving to heal – not only individuals, but the land.

I am responding to the outstretched hands of faith, to the longing of hearts and the desperate cries for relief, for My move, for fulfillment. Yes, even now My power is going out to answer these cries of faith. My power is moving in response to your faith.

“Sometimes faith is just doing what you have to do.” (Eric Johnson). Practical steps – I see them as faith. Being paralyzed and unable to move, stuck because of fear – this is not waiting on Me. This is the opposite of faith. For these, for those in this place I say, step back, take deep breaths, put your eyes on Me, and ask for what’s on your heart. Push against the fear, and ask for an instruction, ask for a first step. A first step in faith – even a tiny one – is something I can work with.

From Chaos to Freedom

The Lord says,
What I see looks like a small town carnival celebration. The sounds and the smells of chaos and enjoyment and fear and delight. This is what the earth sounds like to me, from My perspective right now. This carnival is kind of rinky dink and the rides are often broken and unsafe. It’s a very uncertain place with funny mirrors and dark mazes.

I Am moving to remove the chaos, the uncertainty, the fear, and the broken things that bring temporary pleasure. I Am removing these and I Am bringing you to a place of deep peace and freedom, of wide open spaces, of safety, of joy, of laughter, of health. We are leaving this sinister, dark, uncertain place and trading it for luscious green meadows, and picnics and flowers and giggles, white sundresses and the warm kiss of sunshine.

That is how stark the difference is between where we are (this uncertain carnival), and where we’re going (green meadows of freedom). Where the world is, and what it will look like after I move in this glorious, unexpected, sudden turnaround. It’s not that we’re leaving one place and going to another. It’s that this place that we are is going to be radically transformed, restored and made new – better than before. Wholesome, healthy, safe and full of peace and joy. Genuine celebration. Hearts full of Thanksgiving for freedom and for what I’ve done.

All will recognize that it is I who has done it, and it will be a glorious, sweet celebration – of unity, of kindness and in truth.

Covenant Connections & Children of Covenant

The Lord says,
I Am drawing people together for divine connections. It will be like I have placed polar magnets in them, and they are just drawn together. I Am making these divine connections that could not have happened without My divine drawing, without My involvement. These connections will be to bring likeminded people together, so they can speak freely with kindred spirits, to start businesses, to have deep – long lasting friendships, to have life partners for marriage that build families that reflect this new thing that I Am doing, this new era that we are entering, and to reflect My Kingdom values. This is a season of many new divine connections that will last into eternity.

These partnerships will have a great return – in benefitting society, community, in great business developments and products and services, in providing a place of security for children – within the family and outside of the family. Children will see and experience a new level of covenantal relationship and this strength will get instilled, assumed, absorbed by them. And they will not know another way. They will be children of covenant – who understand the value of covenant and the gravity and lasting quality of covenant.

Children who witness this level of covenant will take a strength of covenant into the next generation in a way the world has not seen before. Their yes will mean yes and their no will mean no.

They will be powerful and strong and mighty because of their covenant with Me, because of their understanding and security and participation in their covenant with Me and because of the covenantal relationships which form the solid frameworks in their lives. There will be so much freedom for them to live and create and contribute because of the the anchoring of My covenant and the framework of covenants that they have built their lives on.

These children of covenant will bring a next level of restoration to family and society, because of the certainty of their word, because you can bank on their word. Their children will be raised up in such freedom and confidence because they never felt uncertainty in their relationships. This will be a new experience for the world.

They will stand on your shoulders. They will make exceedingly great advances. I’m calling you now. I’m moving people together, I’m putting people together. I’m drawing you in to covenantal relationships, and I Am calling you to dig deep, to mean what you say, to follow through, and to stand. You are the foundation upon which I Am building these next two generations of covenantal children. You are the groundwork. Don’t give way, don’t falter. Don’t give up, don’t back up. Stand and hold on to Me, your anchor. This will impact – this will have much farther impact, much wider implications that just you. I Am building the next generation’s success on the foundation of your covenants.

How to Respond

  • Declare that today is the day of freedom and transformation. Call it forward.
  • Sit with the Lord. Ask Him what step of faith – even tiny – you need to take to reach the hem of His garment and see His power come forth in your life.
  • Ask the Lord how you can dig deeper in the relationships He has placed in your life – the ones that honor Him.
  • Watch as the Lord moves over the next few weeks and months to bring new relationships in your life. Approach them with gratitude, honor, and with a recognition of the responsibility that comes with them.


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