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The Lord Is Deflating the Dragon & China Will Be Set Free

The Spirit of the Living God Who Rules and Reigns Forever says, 
Changes are coming in relation to the dragon — in relation to the dark forces of evil behind the dragon. Shadowy forces of darkness are controlling the head of the dragon and the movements of the dragon, and I will pluck those out from their hidden interior positions, from their shielded places of honor. And I will lift them up, expose them and suspend them as puppets on a string.

Freedom for the Captives

Asia. I Am doing wonders in Asia. It’s not being reported on in the U.S. yet. The media may hide it for a while. But I Am doing wonders in Asia. Healing wonders, visitations, pouring My Spirit out. Wild wild moves of My Spirit are moving through Asia like wildfire. China specifically is experiencing My Move.

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