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Innocent, Razor-Sharp Ones Are Ascending to the High Places & They Will Take Out the Trash

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I keep My little ones nestled to My chest. Do I send them out in the fire? Into the battle? Yes. All the while, they have unfettered access to My heart, My voice, My protection, My wisdom and My instruction. Many are leaving the nest now. Many are marching right out of the nest and flying. My grace is present like a strong but gentle breeze enabling them to fly, to soar, to rise up even higher.

Destiny is Being Launched for the Lion Hearted Ones

The Lord says, 
I have called you to bravery. I have called you to join yourself with Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Through covenant relationship with Jesus, your inner man is infused and strengthened with the strength and bravery of a lion. I have changed out your self-focused, self-centered heart and replaced it with one of the great compassionate, fierce and courageous Lion of Judah.

Make Room for Freedom

The Lord says, 
Just as a sailboat floats on the water, and lifts its sails to glide, just as an eagle takes flight with one powerful flap of its wings, so is life in the Spirit. It is not a life of stress, anxiety, handwringing and running in circles. It is not a lifestyle of fretting. It is walking in security, confidence, authority and faith. It’s having certainty that the Lord is guiding you and He’s walking right beside you.

A Great Spiritual Clash

The Lord says, 
The drumbeat is getting louder. The clash is getting more intense and more visible. The clash between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. These are the forces that are clashing in the spiritual realm, and it is playing out before your very eyes on the Earth in real time.

Clearing the Stage

The Lord says, I'm dwelling on Jesus and the light that He carried on the Earth. His compassion and kindness and honesty drew people to Him. Many came to Him because of His reputation as a teacher and a healer and for knowing things that couldn’t be naturally known. Others were drawn to Him and didn’t necessarily know why. It was the peace and the truth that He carried. It was the joy and delight and simplicity that He lived from.

Breakthrough is Here

I am a God who hears. I am a God of faithfulness and dependability. I am the God of answered prayers and promises fulfilled. My love is rushing forward like a river at full force. This is the day of breakthrough. The dam has been breached. It has been smashed open. And this is the day that the floodgate of My blessings and an outrageous abundance of My goodness come rushing forth.

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