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You Are Covered By God’s Love

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
You are covered by My love. My lifeblood poured out for you covers you, atones you and makes you the righteousness of God. You are in fact covered by My love. Walk as holy ones set apart by My blood which is my love. Can you see that I poured out every drop so you would be made whole? I poured out every drop so nothing would remain undone. It is finished. The power of sin and death is finished!

Joy Is the Headline

The Lord says, 
My peace is available. My peace is here. Don’t fear the unknown, the future decisions, the the next steps. I Am here. I Am present and accounted for. Ensure that I Am front and center in your sight, in your heart and in your mind; and then take one step and then the next.

Grace for Overcoming is Here

The Lord says, 
I Am moving in timid hearts. I Am the King of Hearts. Make Me the King of yours. I Am making joy abound. I Am filling hearts with joy that doesn’t match circumstances - it’s a very stark contrast to circumstances. I Am bringing joy and causing joy to well up. It is from this wellspring that hope and action and advancing come. It is this joy that brings fresh life and energy and perspective. It is because of the infusion of this joy that you can run unhindered and with full confidence and conviction into the battle ahead.

Liberty is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am causing hope to rise. I Am causing the sounds of peace to increase and rise. Even now people are feeling the light of My exposure on their hearts, into the hidden places in their hearts and minds, and they desire to change. They desire to dump these burdens, these heartaches, their unforgiveness, and the lies that they have been believing. They long to dispose of these things and live in freedom.

Great Harvest of the Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I’m in a good mood. I Am moving. I Am hovering. What is happening in the world has not escaped My notice or attention. But what I Am pleased with, what is bringing Me great pleasure, is the increased unity of the Body of Christ. I see a great increase in the unity today. Your voices are raising up to Me in unison today, and your prayers are rising to Me with the beautiful fragrance of incense. This is a tender moment of unity, brokenness and earnest seeking.

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