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Your Inheritance Is a Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

The Spirit of the Unshakeable Living God of Peace says, 
I Am Your rock and firm foundation. In Me you don’t have to fear the shaking. You don’t even have to feel the shaking, even as you observe it taking place. I Am the stability of your times. I Am the great stabilizing force, because I Am immovable, and Mine is a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. That is your inheritance and your birthright.

Jesus Is the Foundation & the Heartbeat of the Home

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. Resurrection of souls. Resurrection of lives. Resurrection of sight and vision. Resurrection of hearing and accepting the true sound. I Am the true sound. I Am the true way. I Am taking us back to foundational principles. I’m taking us back to the most essential foundation. I’m taking us back to the foundation that is central to family, to home.

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