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Days of Restoration, Transformation & Glory Are Here

The Lord says, 
Come to the Father, come into grace. There’s no reason to wait. I’m here. I’m waiting with My arms wide open — full of grace, full of love, full of longing to be restored to my little ones. My heart is full of love for you, and My arms are filled with transformation, with belonging, with purpose and with the treasures of Heaven. Run, don’t walk. Come back to Me. Leave your former ways. Leave your current ways.

Exalt the Lord, For He Is Here

The Lord says, 
Wait on Me. Wait on Me. Sing songs of praise over your troubles and difficulties. Make all of the things that feel overwhelming and seem bigger than you can handle - make all of these bow to Me. Do this by singing songs of worship as you look on at these troubles, these difficulties, these problems, these ailments, these sorrows.

A Return to Freedom

The Lord says, 
Freedom. Wide open spacious living. Freedom in hearts, freedom in souls, freedom in living. Wide open spacious living — this is what I intended for the people. The heart’s cry, the rallying cry for freedom is growing very loud in the Earth. It’s growing very loud in the darkness.

It’s Celebration Season — Truth and Healing Are Advancing

The Lord says, 
This is a time of celebration. Celebration confuses and angers the enemy. Celebration in the midst of the battle, in the midst of the storm frustrates the plans and the mindset of the enemy. The enemy cannot fathom how their schemes are not working. The enemy cannot fathom how you are living not only in peace, but rejoicing — full of life and light. Sing a celebration song. Live from a position of victory.

The Great Reversal is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am thinking of My lovers, My worshippers, those whose hearts are full to the brim and overflowing with love for Me, who have filled themselves up with My love and the knowledge of My love. My lovers have hearts full of freedom. I desire for My freedom to fill the earth and the hearts of the people. The light of My Glory, the light of exposure, the light of My truth has begun to move from West to East. We are in the waiting period no longer. My light is here. My Presence is here, and I Am moving.

This is Life in the Spirit

The Lord says, 
My Spirit living in you can do the impossible. It can conquer all. It is My pleasure to dwell with you. Being in My Presence is the fullness of joy, and at My right hand are pleasures forevermore. We were meant to be together. Let’s dwell together. Let’s sit together. Let’s talk late into the night together. Let’s make plans together. This is life in the Spirit.

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