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It’s Time to Chase Hell Out of the Church

I heard the Spirit of the Living Sovereign Reigning God say, 
It’s time to return to the essentials, to the simple, to the pure, no frills Gospel of Christ and His Kingdom. It is time for a heavenly restoration of all things. It is time to wake up and recognize the war that you are in. A spiritual war wages around you, yet many sit idly by. Many operate in the mode of business as usual. Many adapt to wartime circumstances without even recognizing that they are in the midst of a war zone. This is not business as usual.

You Can Have Total Peace in the Storm

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
You can trust Me. You can trust that My heart is for you. You can trust that My heart is in you. I will move obviously in your days. You won’t be suspicious about coincidences or happenstance. You will know that the hand of the Lord of All, the hand of Yeshua, Almighty God, Savior and King touched the Earth.

The Lord’s Graces & The Pure Gospel

The Lord says, 
Choose Me. Choose to worship. Choose to bow. No matter what. Live with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. Live with eyes full of light and joy that come from deep in the wells of My living water. Lift your vessels deep deep within My wells and draw out trust, hope, joy and an abundant mindset. All of these come from deep in the well of My living water.

Identification with Jesus and the Preaching of the Pure Gospel

The Lord says, 
I Am ratcheting up the desire of the faithful ones, of the believers — for Jesus, for identification with Jesus. I Am intensifying their desire to know Him, to walk with Him, to learn about Him, to dig into the Scriptures. I Am causing the flame in their hearts to grow and burn hotter and hotter for Jesus. They will be filled with an insatiable hunger to know Him more, to abide with Him, to dwell in His Presence and to walk in purity, as it pleases Him.

A Great Spiritual Clash

The Lord says, 
The drumbeat is getting louder. The clash is getting more intense and more visible. The clash between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. These are the forces that are clashing in the spiritual realm, and it is playing out before your very eyes on the Earth in real time.

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