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Days of the Lord’s Obvious Victory

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Let faith arise. Trust in My love. Trust in My goodness. Trust in My steadfast faithfulness. I Am on the move. I Am on the move in the Middle East — in Israel, in Palestinians and in parts unknown. I Am on the move. My Spirit is moving, is hovering, is arresting the hearts and thoughts of men, women, boys and girls.

It Is Boomerang Time

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Trusted plans are coming together. My love is breaking forth. My love is routing the plans of the enemy. My love is acting as a great shield, and My love is rising up not only to deflect but to turn the enemy’s plans right back around on him. It is boomerang time.

The Earth Will Respond to Our Gratitude and Praise

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m coming on the wings of the dawn. I’m bringing the new day with Me. My grace is flying high over America. My grace is flying high over the world. My grace is carrying in a new day. The takeoff and acceleration of My grace will begin in Southern California, in Baja, California, and it will race northward and eastward until the continental U.S. is covered with My grace.

The Landslide of the Lord’s Glory & Peace

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My peace will go marching in like a landslide. My grace will carry you across the finish line. You have heard about landslide victories. You have heard of landslides of destruction. You have never heard of the landslide of My glory. Where the glory has been absent, has left a vacuum, it will come in with such power and force that every crevice, every nook and cranny will be filled with My glory.

The Lord Is Tugging on Wayward Hearts

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
In those who have given Me their hearts, I have placed a tether, so they can’t wander far, so they can’t fall and be alone, so that they are reminded of their first and greatest love. I Am tugging on many tethers that have been ignored. I Am tugging on many tethers thought to have been severed. I am tugging on many tethers that have been stretched out to exceedingly great lengths.

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