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The Great Reversal is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am thinking of My lovers, My worshippers, those whose hearts are full to the brim and overflowing with love for Me, who have filled themselves up with My love and the knowledge of My love. My lovers have hearts full of freedom. I desire for My freedom to fill the earth and the hearts of the people. The light of My Glory, the light of exposure, the light of My truth has begun to move from West to East. We are in the waiting period no longer. My light is here. My Presence is here, and I Am moving.

Freedom & the True Church Are Rising

The Lord says, 
If you want freedom from the burden of sin, come to the cross of Jesus. His blood was spilled to heal you, save you, restore you and give you victory in life. Indeed, the very power of life is in His blood. Come and accept the offering of Jesus’s sacrifice, accept His blood as atonement and be counted as one worthy, one crucified with Him and raised to life with Him.

Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Lord says, 
Jesus is the lover of your soul. He loved you so much that He made a way for you when there was no way. He made a way to restore your right standing with Me. He wants your heart. He wants to walk with you and do life with you. Close any gap that remains between you and Jesus.

Wild Transformation & Victory is Upon Us

The Lord says,
Soon the world will see, will taste, will experience and will acknowledge that nobody does it better than Me. No one loves like I do. No one takes the care that I do. No one can know all of your secrets, your past, your mistakes, your regrets and your sin and still love you unconditionally like I do. Nobody can do for you, for your heart, your life and your future what I can do.

The Lord is Setting Hearts on Fire

The Lord says, 
I Am stirring up hearts today. I Am stirring up hearts of those who barely know Me, of those who only know My Name. I Am stirring up a deep, sudden passion and desire for Me. I Am stirring up desire for Me — for Who I Am — not what I can do. I Am stirring up this desire, and many will be swept off of their feet immediately with a burning passion and desire for Me. Many will be filled with love and certainty.

Freedom Days & Glory Days

The Lord says, 
Freedom is My gift to you. It is not free. It cost Me, and it is a “maintenance required” gift. Defending, protecting, cultivating and maintaining freedom requires time, work, effort and a plan. I hear the hearts of so many in the world crying out for freedom. I Am moving to bring it, to deliver it, to restore it. It will be up to you to steward, to lead, to share wisdom. These are freedom days.

It’s Time to Wake Up!

The Lord says, 
I Am healing. I Am doing healing of thinking, healing of perceptions, healing of understanding. The enemy has used many institutions to destroy people’s ability to think, to perceive, to discern. As the people have trained their minds to bend to the narrative of certain people, certain papers, certain institutions, their minds have lost their elasticity. They have become like mush, and they are unable to bend and snap and fire and spark when lies are told, when ridiculous, illogical statements are made, and when coverups are clear.

A Holiness Movement & The Harvest

The Lord says, 
Holiness is on My heart today — My holiness, and how I have set My people apart for Myself, for relationship, for fulfillment, for destiny, joy and abundance. Holiness, the choice of holiness, the choice of sanctification, the daily choice of setting yourself apart to be with Me, to be on My side is what makes a righteous movement. You are not alone. You are with Me, and many others besides you have chosen the good thing. They have chosen Me. Many are daily, quietly, personally choosing holiness and sanctification. They are choosing, invisibly, alongside you, to seek Me first and My righteousness; and it is My will, My promise and My good pleasure to add all of these other things to you — joy, abundance, destiny, community.

Justice & Liberty For All

The Lord says, 
I Am moving on behalf of My people. I Am moving to rescue this nation and by extension, Israel and the world. The massive truth bomb is here. The moment you’ve been waiting for is here.

The world is about to see a whale of a truth come to light. The whale is breaching the surface. And soon the whole whale of truth will be seen. This whale will be captured on film for all to see, and it will be seen on screens large and small.

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