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The Lord Is Causing Beauty to Rise from the Ashes

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Beauty is bubbling up from the ashes. Beauty is emerging from the places that seem barren, scorched and dead. Beauty is rising in the places of loneliness, of hollow longing, of heartbreak that have left you bereft. Grace is surging in the barren places, in the dry places, in the places that seem hopeless. Grace is rising, and the winds of fresh hope are blowing the ashes away to reveal something very beautiful emerging, to reveal something covered in My grace rising and emerging and no longer being held down,

Live in Peace and Faith Amidst the Storm

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Choose trust in the chaos. Choose trust in the confusion. Choose trust in the storm that surrounds. Trust in Me, and I will reside with you. Keep your trust, your belief burning like a flame. Be diligent to protect your flame from the winds of adversity, the winds of public opinion, the winds and torrents of stress and uncertainty.

This Is the Great Awakening

The Spirit of the Living God beckons and issues an invitation —
Praise to the Lamb. Praise to the righteous King who is holy, worthy and and deserving of all glory, honor and praise. Praise to the King of kings, the King of glory. Let the whole Earth sing. Let the whole Earth rise up with songs from the heart — spontaneous songs of worship.

A Time of Commissioning & the Bestowing of Ambassador’s Rights

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m working through My sent ones, and Many will receive and accept new assignments. I’m commissioning people for new races. I’m sending people on new assignments. I’m green lighting work and projects and family that has been held up and steeping in hearts for years. This is the time I Am giving these assignments and sending many with new instruction, with Ambassador’s rights to take territory that had previously been locked to them.

Hold On to Your Buoy of Joy and Anchor of Hope

The Lord says, 
Deep, abiding, immovable joy. Joy that holds fast as the storm tosses and waves rise. A joy that buoys you above the waves, that lifts your head and causes you to be able to see out on the horizon of hope. I Am your joy, your strength and your source. I Am energetic life itself. Seek My joy. Fight for it and refuse to let it go. Wrestle it back from darkness, circumstances, frustrations and disappointments. Own your joy. Own your hope.

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