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Prepare the Way for King Jesus!

This morning as I was sitting and waiting for the Lord to speak to me about what was on His heart today, I felt a leap in my spirit. It was a leap of excitement, anticipation and eager longing. I thought this must be a small taste of what Elizabeth, Mary’s aunt, felt when John the Baptist lept inside her womb as Mary arrived pregnant, carrying the Savior of the world inside of her.

Jesus Is the Foundation & the Heartbeat of the Home

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. Resurrection of souls. Resurrection of lives. Resurrection of sight and vision. Resurrection of hearing and accepting the true sound. I Am the true sound. I Am the true way. I Am taking us back to foundational principles. I’m taking us back to the most essential foundation. I’m taking us back to the foundation that is central to family, to home.

An Invitation to Restoration

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Fulfilling every craving and desire leads to a hollow empty shell of a soul. You were meant for so much more than this. You were made to live in My light, in joy, in strength and with great honor as true holy nobility. You were made to be regal, set apart and filled with confidence and joy, filled with love from above, not pursuing every shiny thing that catches your eye as if you were a cat pursuing prey.

The Victory Has Already Been Won

The Lord says, 
Resurrection — outrageous, shocking, victorious resurrection is on My heart. These are days of overcoming, overturning and supplanting. The enemy will be knocked flat on his back, and he will be crushed under foot by My victorious One. Jesus. Jesus paid it all. He has won. His is the victory, the honor and the glory.

Freedom’s Name is Jesus

The Lord says, 
Freedom is here for you. Freedom is available to you and to all. It’s sitting on the doorstep of your heart. Freedom’s name is Jesus. Why are you living burdened and weighted down? Why are you living wrapped up in chains and shackles? Freedom is one heart’s cry away.

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