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A Defining Harvest of Justice

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I can trace their affections. I can trace the root of their affections back to harm. Many little ones have been harmed, and it has twisted and manipulated their affections. It has confused their affections. It has destroyed innocence. I’m coming after the destroyers of innocence. I’m sending My angels to destroy those who have destroyed the innocence of My little ones.

The Flood of Truth Is Upon Us

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am bringing men and women, boys and girls to wholeness, to the fullness of their rights as children of God. I Am the missing piece for which they have been yearning, for which they have been searching. Wanderers will walk smack into the missing piece of the puzzle of their life, and it will be Me.

The Time of the Second Red Sea Crossing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The nations roar and rage. Like a storm-tossed ship at sea, this is how My people feel. This is how the nations feel. The waves are rough, and the seas unpredictable. Yet I Am here, in your midst. Yet I Am here hovering among you, hovering above it all. Keep your eyes on Me. Keep your spirit tuned to the nearness of My Presence, and you will not fear the waves.

The Blitz of Truth Is Incoming

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficent for change, and change is incoming — explosive, monumental, irreversible change. Explosions that happen at great distances will seem to be set off at hyper speed. They will first hit the East Coast. They will then spread to the West Coast, and they will march steadily, swiftly to your front door. These explosions of truth will not evade your doorstep.

Our God Is An All Consuming Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth is a discipline. To be in truth, to remain in truth, to be anchored to truth and unwavering from a stance and position of truth is a discipline. It is a choice. Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. Your God is an all consuming fire, and truth is an aspect of this fire. Truth destroys and consumes lies and deceit on contact.

The Lord’s Shining Ones Will Overtake the Scene

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My truth is chasing them. My truth is running them down. Those who are running to escape truth, those who have refused truth, those who are ignorant to truth and those who have put their head in the sand to not see truth — My truth is chasing them down like a relentless pre-teen plays tag. The truth will chase people down, and it will touch them. It will not be deterred, and it will not be ignored.

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