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The Blitz of Truth Is Incoming

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficent for change, and change is incoming — explosive, monumental, irreversible change. Explosions that happen at great distances will seem to be set off at hyper speed. They will first hit the East Coast. They will then spread to the West Coast, and they will march steadily, swiftly to your front door. These explosions of truth will not evade your doorstep.

Our God Is An All Consuming Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth is a discipline. To be in truth, to remain in truth, to be anchored to truth and unwavering from a stance and position of truth is a discipline. It is a choice. Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. Your God is an all consuming fire, and truth is an aspect of this fire. Truth destroys and consumes lies and deceit on contact.

The Lord’s Shining Ones Will Overtake the Scene

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My truth is chasing them. My truth is running them down. Those who are running to escape truth, those who have refused truth, those who are ignorant to truth and those who have put their head in the sand to not see truth — My truth is chasing them down like a relentless pre-teen plays tag. The truth will chase people down, and it will touch them. It will not be deterred, and it will not be ignored.

The Lord Will Re-Wild the People

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The truth is in Joe Biden’s pudding. The man is in decline. You will see a very very rapid decline in his health. Looking at him is like looking at an hourglass whose time is almost up. Joe Biden will die in office. Hold the line. Don’t let go. The truth will find it’s way to the front of the crowd.

The Death Blow Will Not Stand

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m going to be the source of a rumble. A rumble in the spirit is coming. A rumble and a stir are being stirred up in the spirit. This is the war of the ages, the spirit war of the ages. This is a time when darkness believes that it has won. This is a war of luring the enemy into a false sense of security, a false sense of victory, and it will strike what feels like a crushing blow into the hearts and homes of many.

The Lord Will Remove the Infected Splinter from America, the Resurrection Will Tarry

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
A resurrection is prepared. A resurrection is lying in wait. It appears to be dead, dormant and late. I will bring it forward in an instant. 

You have been living with an infected splinter that has been way beneath the surface, unreachable for too long. This infected splinter has been causing pain as you work, causing pain as you play. It has been there reminding you of the injury, of the moment, of the inability to find a remedy.

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