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The Revival of the Ages

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Strong people, men and women of impeccable character who reflect Me, they are the ones I have chosen to lead, to teach, to coach in the Revival of the Ages. These are ones who have been training and building strength and endurance in private — almost in seclusion — with maybe only a few likeminded people surrounding them and going in the same direction as them.

Follow the Lord’s Lead

The Lord says, 
Follow My joy. Follow My peace. Put your trust in Me. Put your hope in Me. Put all of your eggs in the basket that is marked, “My God will come through for me.” I never lie, I never lose, and I never fail. I’m not about to start now. We have entered the new days. We have left the season of bleak darkness, of wilderness and of the dry place.

Stand Steadfast You Warriors of Hope

The Lord says, 
Truth. I desire truth in the innermost parts. Steadfastness. I desire to be with ones who refuse to be moved. These are the characteristics that mark the rugged warriors. These are the traits of the ones who will be first to see My light burst through the clouds and darkness. They will see it, because they are standing at the ready.

Glory Blasts of Change are Incoming

The Lord says, 
Jesus the Resurrected King conquered ALL — sin, death and the plans and works of the enemy. It is well. ALL is well. I will wipe away the confusion, the perverse ideologies and the torment that the enemy has brought to many. I will dismantle institutions that have promoted evil, filth and the decay of the family.

A Return to Simplicity and Innocence

The Lord says, 
Picture a field of little white flowers surrounding you like when you were was a child. Recall your innocence and pure delight, the smell of fresh air and green grass, the warmth of the sun on your skin. You will experience a return to days like those — carefree days and innocence, a return to purity, freedom, creativity and wonder, a return to healthy attention spans and delight in nature.

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