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Truth Will Be Exposed & Justice Will Be Served

The Lord says, 
I’m filling My people. I’m filling them with hope, with joy, with passion and with purpose. We are walking into days where many new decisions and many major changes will need to happen. I Am filling My people up and empowering them to make these decisions to take major risks, to walk into the unknown, to leave past careers, cities, partnerships, relationships, and lifestyles behind.

The Lord is Setting Hearts on Fire

The Lord says, 
I Am stirring up hearts today. I Am stirring up hearts of those who barely know Me, of those who only know My Name. I Am stirring up a deep, sudden passion and desire for Me. I Am stirring up desire for Me — for Who I Am — not what I can do. I Am stirring up this desire, and many will be swept off of their feet immediately with a burning passion and desire for Me. Many will be filled with love and certainty.

The Truth is INCOMING!!!

The Lord says, 
The release of truth is imminent, and it will secure the land. I Am hovering over the land, hovering over the moment, hovering over the docking point, the place where the truth lands. My Spirit is singing over it. I Am singing a victory song, because the moment is near. The point of impact is so near, and victory is assured. It is certain.

God of the Impossible

The Lord says, 
Amazing things are going to start happening so quickly, you could get whiplash from trying to keep up. I Am digging dreams out of the deep places of people’s hearts, and I Am moving to fulfill and bless them. I Am moving in the places where your heart has been broken. I Am moving in the places where you haven’t dared to dream in a long time. I Am moving in such a way that the brokenness and the tender places will burst with joy, with ecstatic joy!

It’s Time for War

The Lord says, 
Close your eyes and imagine the the Kenyan plains with wild animals grazing. They look so serene from far away, and then when you get close, they are massive and fierce, and deadly. This is a picture of the life I have called you to lead — to mind your own business, to guard your territory, and to viciously defend it against all trespassers and enemies, foreign and domestic. I have called you to be a fierce warrior.

The Victory of Light Over Darkness

The Lord says, 
I Am blending up and mixing drinks of victory, drinks of nourishment, drinks of sweet, sweet celebration. In the tropics, the sunlight kisses your skin, and your skin has a reaction. Your skin bears witness that you have been in the light. So too will My people, who have been standing and dwelling in the secret place with Me, so too will those who have newly sought Me, so too will those who have an unexpected encounter with Me - all will bear witness.

A Great Revival and a Great Revealing

The Lord says, 
As a school bus picks up children in a neighborhood, so am I collecting new believers. I Am bringing them to a school for young believers, and they will be instructed in the basics. And they will grow, and be curious, and learn. They will gain an understanding of their authority, their inheritance, of the power that has been given to them from on high.

Liberty is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am causing hope to rise. I Am causing the sounds of peace to increase and rise. Even now people are feeling the light of My exposure on their hearts, into the hidden places in their hearts and minds, and they desire to change. They desire to dump these burdens, these heartaches, their unforgiveness, and the lies that they have been believing. They long to dispose of these things and live in freedom.

The Dawn of a New Day

The Lord says, 
This is a time of great evil in government. Government leaders at every level are corrupt influence peddlers. And for many, their evil extends far beyond pay to play schemes and money. The stench of their evil is pervasive and it rises up to Me and offends Me. Like filthy, stinking dogs, they have no power to cleanse themselves, no ability to cover the stench of their offenses.

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