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Today’s Readings:
2 Thessalonians 1
Matthew 6:21-22
Matthew 7:13-29
Matthew 10:26
Matthew 11:25-30
Luke 16:1-18
Isaiah 60:1-5

The one who manages the little he has been given with faithfulness and integrity will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities. But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more.

Luke 16:10

Sons & Daughters of the Light

The Lord says,
I Am blending up and mixing drinks of victory, drinks of nourishment, drinks of sweet, sweet celebration. In the tropics, the sunlight kisses your skin, and your skin has a reaction. Your skin bears witness that you have been in the light. So too will My people, who have been standing and dwelling in the secret place with Me, so too will those who have newly sought Me, so too will those who have an unexpected encounter with Me – all will bear witness. Their bodies will bear witness to being kissed by the Light of My Presence. They will become living sons and daughters of the Light. They will be radiant like the sun and their radiance will be a foretaste of their glorification in Jesus to come.

The Lord says,
Light will be drawn to light, and many who seek light will also be drawn to it. Only darkness will flee from the scene of light, because it has chosen darkness and has taken its stand with darkness. All are welcome to choose light. All have the opportunity, but not all will choose it. That’s a grievous and very grave reality that will lead to a very dark and eternal regret. But for those in whom the light dwells and from whom the light radiates, these will be called the sons and daughters of God. These will be known and recognized as chosen of God, lovers of God, deeply devoted to the Lord Jesus. They will be known by their love for one another and their outstretched hand to serve those in need.

Those chosen by God are those who have chosen Him back. He has indeed chosen all from the beginning, yet some reject Him. Many make the eternal error of rejecting the Lord God Most High who  offers only good things. He offers kindness, forgiveness, love, right identity, truth, communion with Him, revelation, power and authority. He offers the privilege of hearing His voice, sitting in His Presence and co-laboring with Him, ruling and reigning with Him.

Light will be drawn to light. And the light will get brighter and brighter, and it will be dazzling in its brightness. Many will be drawn to it. Many will be changed by it. And many will become part of the the company of believers who are radiant and live in the Presence of the Lord God Most High; and model their lives after Jesus, the Messiah; and operate in the freedom and the protection and wisdom of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.

An End to the Dragon and the Rats

The Lord says,
I Am chasing the dragon, and the rats are dwelling with the dragon. So the rats and the dragon are on the run. They are full of fear. They don’t know where to turn, where to run, where to hide. The reality is, they have nowhere to hide. They have nowhere to turn, and they have much much to fear. They can’t see it, but I Am lowering a brick wall directly into their path, and the dragon and the rats will run headlong at full speed and full force into this brick wall that I have set in their path. And that will be that.

The world will look on with great silence and in stunned disbelief as they witness this scene of self-destruction that was orchestrated by My Hand. For some of these fallen ones, there will be feelings of remorse, as people recognize and realize that somewhere along the way, these too were little ones whose hearts were stolen by the deceiver. But their alignment with evil and the grotesque and great level of horrors committed at their hands, at their discretion, at their permission, at their silence will vastly outweigh the mourning for their souls. Their evil deeds will be exposed in a great and very public exposure. The world will be stunned, and the world will be sickened, very sickened as the light of truth shines on the atrocities that were happening under their very noses. It will be grave and stomach turning, and the people will not be able to unsee the realities of the horrors committed by these evil ones.

Raising Up Guardians of Culture and Freedom

The Lord says,
Voids will be left in many industries, in many fields. And those who look to those voids with a sense of God-inspired, righteous purpose will be lifted up, will have opportunities never before dreamed of. And I, the Lord God Most High will place My hand of favor and and a mantle of responsibility on many children of the light in this hour, and they will be charged with changing the world. They will be charged with ushering in a new day, a new tone, a new story, a new era – of truth, of light, of morality and purity, of justice, of faith, of safeguarding freedom and truth and the Word of the Lord above all else – at any cost.

This is the day that they are being given charge of. This is the time that they are granted to guard, and steward, and make great. This is a very weighty responsibility, but new grace is here in this hour for those who have been charged to run a new race. And the favor of the Lord will rest mightily on My children of the Light. And much wisdom and great new ideas, endeavors, perspectives and fresh angles will be part of breakthrough in these industries and fields – in these mountains of influence and culture.

A new day is dawning. If you look closely you can see the sun’s rays starting to peek up over the horizon. Be ready. Be pure. Be full of love and light. Declare the coming victory.

How to Respond

  • Declare yourself a son or daughter of the Light.
  • Remind yourself of your standing as one justified and made righteous through the Blood of Christ Jesus.
  • Declare the justice of the Lord on the Earth.
  • Declare the exposure of evil and the revelation of truth to all people.
  • Declare the demise of the dragon and the rats who have aligned with and chosen the side of evil.
  • Declare the victory of the Lord, and the establishment of truth, freedom and new beginnings.
  • Declare promotion for children of the Light who live in reverential fear of the Lord and who will safeguard these fields for the freedom and advancement of future generations.


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